Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers


    Good afternoon, my reader. Many gardeners are confident that with the help of iodine and greens, you can increase the crop of cucumbers.

    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers 18940_1
    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    Gardeners prefer to use old folk remedies in the cultivation of vegetable crops. Many ways are considered quite effective. Conventional green and iodine are perfectly fighting with many plant diseases.

    Such a drug, like a green, has antiseptic properties, as in its composition it contains copper. The solution of diamond greenery can be used in the form of fertilizer, because this drug contains a number of important trace elements.

    The tool helps reduce the risk of cucumber diseases. To ensure complete protection for vegetables, the use of various copper solutions is required. Many cultures can be treated with green and copper oxide, as well as borodic liquid.

    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers 18940_2
    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    However, these drugs are unlikely to help if vegetables need other trace elements. Sometimes cucumbers have the wrong shape. This problem talks about the shortage of potassium in the ground. Lack of nitrogen may also affect. The taste properties of cucumbers from appearance do not depend. In order for vegetables a beautiful appearance, ash and infusion of a cowboy should be made into the soil.

    Cucumbers can deteriorate from the appearance of prikorno rot. There are two cucumber protection methods. Pour bushes with mortar at the end of the feet collection. For preventive purposes from diseases, vegetable culture can be treated earlier.

    Correct actions against Busta Rota:

    1. On 10 liters of water, add green in the amount of 10 drops.
    2. Then make the same tool, but consisting of iodine and water. They also spray plants.
    3. Lubricate the stems with iodine or green.
    4. Treat bushes at a distance of about 10 cm from the soil.
    5. Daisy dissolve in liquid in a 1: 2 ratio.
    6. This method is suitable for vertically growing vegetables. After about two treatments, putrid fungi disappear.

    With damage to the torment, the cucumbers are yellow and faded. They need to be treated with the use of overwhelmed hay. The solution is done very easily. To do this, it is necessary to fill the ½ part of the barrel. Pour water and give the solution for 2-3 days. Then strain and spin the culture. Procedure spend three times through every week.

    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers 18940_3
    Green and iodine for feeding, processing and spraying cucumbers Maria Verbilkova

    The yield of cucumbers increases significantly, and they can be collected until September. From the disease, you can get rid of iodine or a green solution, which is written above.

    Many vegetable crops are amazed by peridosporosis. Try to treat such a means: 10 ml of green on the water bucket, add milk serum (10 ml) and urea (40 g). If the serum is not, use milk.

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