Morning Digest KN: "Besnow" Maslenitsa in the photo in "Gardian", Mrs. Kaluga - 2021 and porn in the "Jubilee" pub

Morning Digest KN:

Kaluga News prepared morning digest. We tell about the events that have happened, but still current events that you could miss.

"Besnow" Maslenitsa in the Kaluga region became famous until England

One of the leading media of Great Britain - the Gardian newspaper published a photograph from the Maslenic festivities in Nikolo-Livzetz on March 13 - in the photofrotation called "The best photos of the weekend".

From the point of view of British journalists, the best, from what was imprinted in the pictures from this festival, turned out to be a famous artist and artist Sergey "Pakhom" Pakhomov, sitting with almost naked in the bathroom. This performance, called the "great lying", was part of the carnival festivities in the Saturday, and very much then outraged Kaluga Ombudsman Yuri Zelnikov, who called what was happening "Nezness."

"When the granddaughter saw this elderly master in the bathroom, which published non-communal exclamations, he was shocked ... I still have shock. I liked the fact that the granddaughter of eight years said: "Santa, let's go away from here," Shared then his impressions in Facebook Ombudsman.

Well, it is obvious that not only the grandson Yuri Zelnikova see himself, but also seeing English journalists. It's a shame only that our region "became famous" until Europe itself is such an unsightly way. Do we really have nothing to show the world, except ... well, this is?

Screen from Site.

Self-insulation regime for residents of the Kaluga region over 65 years old

From today, March 21, the regime of self-insulation for persons over 65 years and suffering from certain diseases, leading in the Kaluga region on March 17, 2020.

In particular, for working retirees, for the time of self-insulation sent on vacation, it means the output. The sheets of disability in connection with self-insulation, as reported by the Kaluga Regional Office of the Security Fund, will no longer be issued for them.

The owner of the title "Mrs. Kaluga - 2021" became known

In Kaluga, the final of the beauty contest "Mrs. Kaluga - 2021" ended on the stage of the KTZ on the eve. It was attended by 15 women from 24 to 45 years. The winner became, according to MK-Kaluga, 45-year-old Olesya Popova.

Olesi has a teenage daughter, and she has been married for 25 years. By the way, married condition or the presence of children was a prerequisite for participation in the competition. His goal is to "adequately present Kaluga women at the largest Russian competition" Missis World Russia ". We strive to show the beauty and spiritual wealth of Kaluga women, that at all times it was one of the fundamental national doors of our great country, "the main website of the event reports.

Thus, the most beautiful Kaluzhanka will be represented by our area in the All-Russian Competition. We sincerely wish her success.

Photo from the group in Facebook "Mrs. Kaluga"

Kaluzanum clarified what to do if they do not know where they came to the card

Employees of the Central Bank and other Russian banks told reporters about the next form of scam with electronic bank cards. Their owners suddenly come to an unknown from where the sums. But it's not worth rejoicing the "gift of fate".

Sometimes the recipient of such a surprise is then asked to send money on other details. Like, "mistaken" when shipping. So the criminal funds are laundered. And the credible user may once find that he now has no demand to "easily".

Sometimes the recipient of such translations is then intimidated, threatening with the court. Here you need to remember - if you received "light money" did not spend and have not translated anywhere, there is nothing to present to you from the law.

"If you came to your card from an unknown sender, and then he asked you to return them, let me know that you were not against the return. But at the same time, the sender must contact his bank with a statement that made an erroneous translation, "the Bank of Russia reported.

In addition, as RIA "News" write, the recipient itself needs to contact his own bank with a message about unknown translation and write a statement about the return of money listed "by mistake".

Kaluga pubs for the anniversary of the city began to advertise porn

Public VKontakte, belonging to one of the popular portals, was dedicated to the coming 650th anniversary of Kaluga and suddenly began to advertise porn. From this were shocked on March 21, journalists KN, previously signed on the community.

A certain girl in a short video advised to subscribe to any.

Obviously, someone hacked a public with 20 thousand subscribers.

Although ... maybe just the administration of the community did not disable the synchronization of actions in their personal profiles and public.

In Horonavo, they already stated that the incident had nothing to do with them.

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