What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 2

What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 2 18885_1
What wears the grandmother in the heart? Part 2 Photo: Depositphotos

The fact that Grandma Valera really all the problems knew how to solve peaceful way, Stas was once again convinced of the day after three, when they together with Valerik went to the store.

Go to the beginning of the story

It was necessary to buy anything that was used there: a pair of melted cheese and grams of two hundred candies for Aleceptina Sergeyevna, whose name Valerick immediately forgot, as soon as he was behind the gate and saw a gray-brown lizard flashed in the grass.

Stas also managed to notice a sharp tail of the lizard, so ten minutes they were unsuccessful to find her in the thick grass and near the wooden fence, which just in that place was adjacent to the house. After both understood the futility of their attempts, they moved towards the Selm.

At this time, past them on a black moped, who lived opposite the Bear, who also appeared in the village exclusively in the country season. Since Mishke has been for almost fourteen years, but he looked at all sixteen, he dispelled on the village roads on the growl and the smoke of the old moped, which got him from his grandfather.

Seeing this, Stas with Valerik, without claiming, rushed after the flushing-taut car and became on the run to ask the Bear to ride them at least a little. But a bear, seemingly at first a slowed down, unexpectedly pulled out of place so abruptly, in the kids from the chimney, huge clubs of the Size smoke that smelling gasoline flew out.

From this, Stas with Valerik was first coughed, and then, while they went to the store, the eyes of the eyes, which from contact with the smoke, too, was pretty.

There was no one in the store on the occasion of hot day. Valeric took two raw in a brilliant packaging and began to look at candy, concentrately remembering which one of them asked him to buy Alevtina Sergeevna.

- Some with yellow flowers, "Valerik whispered under his nose, - Or maybe not with yellow ... And maybe it was not flowers, but just a name for some such a flower. Rather, about flowers.

So, mumbling, but not to anything and not thinking, Valerik chose the packaging of sweets at his discretion, but he bought two more chewing and a friend to her.

Stas, deploying a chewing, first pulled her strawberry and banana smell into myself, and then put the whole in his mouth, while thinking that he would not buy a gum, because, in her opinion, it was "waste of money".

"Listen," he jerked for the hem of the shirt, Valerik, "you will not scold you if you don't bring those candy?"

But Valerik answered nothing, he just shook his head adversely and waved his hand: they say, what are you talking about anyone else's sweets here, fry a gum and silence!

Here, Stas remembered that the chewing gum in the pink packaging they bought, too, without permission, and for some reason somehow suffocated from such a friend's leading actions. Valerik also headed to the house with a wide step, waving a half-empty polyethylene package, in which there was nothing except cheese and candies, and, apparently, did not think about anything and was not afraid of anything.

When they passed past the booth, where, having slipped his tongue, Dreamed Vesta, Valerik came to mind the idea of ​​treating a dog sweet. While they ruined the package, while Valerique unfolded a candy, Stas everything did not leave the concern that they spent the surrender without permission, and the candy did not buy at all ...

- Bab! - Going to the house, shouted Valerik directly from the threshold. - We came!

Alevtina Sergeyevna, who was in the kitchen, immediately broke into the smile:

- They came, my gold, well, wash your hands, now the compotika is fresh to you.

"Bab," Valeric casually interrupted her, "and we seem to you, not those candies." I forgot what I asked, and bought, which I liked.

- So what? - Alevtina Sergeyevna was surprised. - What bought, then okay.

While Valerik with Stas was taught near the haunted man, tightly tied to the tree of the Beep, Valerik, still chewing the gum, shouted:

- Bab, and we are still on the passing gum chewable bought!

And then it came to be wondering Stas.

Instead of scolding a grandson, who, as his grandmother, she would say, does everything according to the principle of "what I want, then and Sparrow", Alevtina Sergeyevna, threw her head and, as always, did it in kind:

- Well, well done. Why do you tell me about it? Bought - and bought ...

Stas was froze, because he would go for such extra expenses "in full program," but seeing that Alevtina Sergeyevna came out of the house and headed for the chicken coop with a big pot of the Kashi breakfast, he quickly wiped his hands on a towel Surprised whispering:

- And I thought she would scold you now ...

"Yes, she does not know how Valeric answered the whisper," said you. What don't you believe everything? Let's already drink a compote, forgot that we were left on the terrace two larger mugs?

Stas, squinting the eyes in the direction of the chicken coop, where Alevtina Sergeyevna fed the chickens, thought that since she was talking so easily with people (and even with chickens, invariably calling them "beauties"), it means that her whole life was the same easy and calm. And that she, this life, always smiled by Grandma Valera, how they smiled at the sun shining from heaven. How else? After all, by his standards, she always used only "good" words, such as "golden", "sunshine", "huskies", "my dear". It seemed that she did not know anything else.

Stas, although she graduated from the second class, but still was still very small and did not know how much it really had to survive the Aleceptine Sergeyevna always staying in a good mood. Adults would hardly have become sharing with him such secrets that could not know with little children.

Therefore, Stas did not know and did not know that fate was not always balung by Alevtina Sergeyevna, and sometimes I had to hear her in life not at all those words that she so often uttered and to whom all her household and neighbors were accustomed to.

Stas did not know anything about the fact that during the fire on the refinery, where Alevtina Sergeyevna worked after the end of the technical school, she received strong breathing track burns. As for a long time he was in the hospital, in which doctors barely left her, then still very young.

As a later boy born in her - the future father of Valerik - turned out to be very weak. As relatives whispering behind his back, looking at the sickie infant: "not a tenant," and at the same time they silently swung their heads. And she, without believing in these words and hoping only on good, kept him, did not sleep at night with her husband. As his whole salary sometimes went on medicine for a son, constantly ill, but remaining so expensive for Mom, so native ...

And then they burned the house with them, and as a smoke breathed during a fire, serious complications returned. And again the hospital, hospital, hospital ...

Already after, when the son had grown, she had to change the rolled city streets at all, but in terms of ecology, a cleanest rustic life. So she began to live in a rustic house, which, thanks to hardworking hands and constant care, became cozy.

What had had to endure Aleceptine Sergeyevna, any other person just would be broken as a thin twig. But Grandmother Valerika did not climb on her bold on her, as if from the bag, problems. Whether in nature, it was a very persistent and cheerful person, whether he learned from his parents of his life principle - never complain and not to complain about fate, but she always looked more fun.

And only years seemingly imperceptibly added to her wrinkles on her face. Yes, on your head, more and more gray hair became every summer. And more recently, she had some kind of unpleasant lumbar lumbar. But she never spoke to anyone about it.

And only the fact that heard everyone who came to visit her and who lived nearby were heard. What constantly heard and Stas, to which Alevtina Sergeyevna is different as a "cute boy" or "my napkin" did not appeal.

Author - Magdalina Gross

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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