Satita will build a revolutionary eco-coherence, cost comparable to Russia's annual budget. Country is preparing for postnfty era


200 billion dollars - it is the estimated budget of the project The Line - CO2-neutral millionth city. It will be linear and turns out 170 km within the "smart" city in Saudi Arabia and will be salvation for humanity when the ecological situation on Earth reaches critical indicators.

The project presented the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Ibn Salman. It is assumed that there will be about a million people to live in The Line. The city claims climatically neutral status, and all energy for its functioning will be obtained exclusively from renewable sources.

Thoroughly thought out the three-level structure of the city. The first level is home and infrastructure necessary for life, the second level (it is the first underground) - service transport, the third (second underground) - ultra-speed transport, the trip on which through the entire city will not exceed 20 minutes. Thus, the city will be completely pedestrian on the surface.

Satita will build a revolutionary eco-coherence, cost comparable to Russia's annual budget. Country is preparing for postnfty era 18882_1

The construction will be financed from the Sovereign Welfare Fund of Saudi Arabia, where income from the sale of oil is received. Part of the funds hope to get from investors.

Presenting a project of a pedestrian city, the prince stated that after 30 years, humanity will look for new accommodation options in less contaminated areas. He noted that The Line is taking care not only about ecology, but also about people. Infinite traffic jams will remain for residents of the city in another world.

Satita will build a revolutionary eco-coherence, cost comparable to Russia's annual budget. Country is preparing for postnfty era 18882_2

Start the implementation of the project are planning in the first quarter of 2021. The main works are planned to be completed by 2030, 380 thousand jobs should be created in the city.

This project is part of a futuristic city, the creation of which should contribute to the diversification and reform of the economy of Saudi Arabia: at the moment there are more than half of the country's revenues for the sale of energy carriers. Thus, the Saudis wants to prevent problems in the economy in the post-tenty era.

Investments in the project will be 100-200 billion dollars, for comparison, Russia's budget revenues for 2021 will amount to $ 260 billion.

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