8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing


An arrogant model of human behavior is laid in childhood, and it is formed in the compensation of uncertainty and distrust to itself. Highly manifests itself in different ways, and its extreme degree is narcissism.

Amend an arrogant person is very difficult, so Adme.ru tells how to behave next to those who think that there is no one better in this world.

Do not react

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_1

By giving yourself a report that there is a arrogant person next to you, it is important to understand that there is no your guilt. He has no complaints about you: he became so many in childhood, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, do not perceive his words seriously and consider communication with an arrogant person, which can always be stopped.

Make comments

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_2

When you feel that a person turns the line, make a correct remark. Remind the income of the existence of other opinions, about the truth that does not belong to anyone, and that in general it may be wrong. It is easy to implement using phrases "Sorry, that I interrupt, but ...", "You may not want to seem arrogant, but ...". The main thing is to do it calmly, without increasing the voice.

Find allies

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_3

Sometimes arrogant people are real strong nuts. With such personalities, communication on the controversial topic with an eye on the eyes is unlikely to be charged. In such a situation, try to involve other people in your conversation: the third party will help solve the conflict. Another way out - find the ally with whom you will withstand an arrogant person together.

Set borders

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_4

It is especially difficult to communicate with an arrogant person, if this is your colleague and you have to deal with her nose every day. In this case, it is especially important not to lose concentration, continue to follow your schedule and work, avoiding disassembly and unnecessary communication. The designation of the borders between you can become a key factor in interaction with an arrogant person.


8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_5

If the situation allows, then try to ignore arrogant behavior. And do not dwell on the negative. Try to find something useful, why you may like a person's society: maybe he is good joking or telling interesting things. The tactics of refusal from negative will help you pump the skills of hearing and tolerance.

Agree with attacks

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_6

Psychiatrist Mikhail Litwak says it is useless to argue with a person who takes only his point of view. Instead of spending the strength to persuade, you can simply agree. This technique is called psychological aikido. Agreeing with the attacks of an arrogant person, it is possible to put on the universal review of its wrong. He does not expect such behavior from you, so quickly surrenders.


8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_7

Insulting and devaluating you, the arrogant person expects you to try to protect yourself and answer something like that. But the essence is that the self-confidence of such a person is impossible to "break through" just unpleasant words. Therefore, it is meaningless to start the game into such attacks. Psychiatrist Mark Gowleston believes that it is necessary to fly arrogant people. As in the case of psychological aikido, a person does not expect you to agree with him. Therefore, he will be confused, having heard pleasant words from viszavi.

Use "shockproof damage"

8 ways to force a person who is cling to everything is also necessary, as breathing 18854_8

The method will help if a person often uses sarcasm, both for the attack on another person and for its own protection. Applying "shockproof damage", you need to learn to pass the pause after heard sarcasm. During her, you can concentrate, and your opponent will receive a signal that its plan is disclosed and provoked you. After a pause, you need to answer in the style of an arrogant person. In response to your statement, he will begin to be taken, trying to invent a new strategy in parallel. Wait a little, until the tension falls, and then translate the conversation to another channel.

Did you meet in life with arrogant people? How did you learn at the time of communication with them?

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