Kashing in the bunker and kind well done Navalny


Kashing in the bunker and kind well done Navalny 18851_1

If the political 2020 began with the presidential message, where the constitutional reform was announced, the political 2021 began with the return of Alexei Navalny to Russia.

The power did everything so that this return did not look triumphal, since it was not possible to keep the oppositionist from him by the announcements about the Babe, which he was waiting in his homeland. But these fussy efforts of power with intimidating statements of the prosecutor's office, landing the aircraft in another airport, prepared by the mass in the arrival zone looked in Lukashenkovski ridiculous and tragic. They demonstrated that a really owner of the situation is not the Kremlin, but Navalny, that he determines the game, and the huge repressive car opposing him can do nothing with him.

Putin has already lost: he was afraid to say the name of Navalny, so that, God forbid, do not make him political advertising, but I achieved the turn of Navalny in Mandela. Moreover, if the Kremlin has repeatedly replayed the Kremlin more than once with his ingenuity and purposefulness, now he has already beat Putin's old man.

There are no good moves in power, only bad. Yes, she can, while putting the Navalny one by one invented once the cause of "Yves Roshe", to launch a couple of new ones, as itself, was announced by the investigative committee. But, first, by doing this, she will be afraid of negative consequences as a result of political destabilization on the eve of the upcoming elections to the State Duma, as it has already happened in 2013, when Navalny tried to prevent the mayor to election, and secondly The time of the drains political regime comes to an end.

The danger to the Kremlin is not so much even the actions of the Navalny, which the power, understand, will try to limit as much as possible how much the fact of his arrival and the inevitable comparison is indecent in the face of the common misfortune for his personal security Putin and courageously throwing the call to the Navalny system. Now that Putin will do, sympathy will not be on his side. He from Stirlitz turned into a king of Kashna, and this is a completely different fairy tale. And although the end of it is not completely clear, it depends not so much from power, how many from us with you.

The author's opinion may not coincide with the position of the VTIMES edition.

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