How to jump on the rope


Jumping with a rope is an effective exercise to study the entire body with a clear emphasis on your feet. Such training makes it possible to burn calories not worse than running, improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance, strengthen the bones. In addition, they can be performed anywhere: in the gym, at home and on the street.

"Take and do" disassembled what kind of rope it is worth choosing beginners how to perform jumps and what they have a variety.

How to choose a rope

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The error that many beginner jumpers make is the choice of too light jumps made from PVC. It would seem that the lighter the rope, the easier it will jump, but it is not so. In such cases, there is no physical feedback. It is impossible to feel how the cord rotates around the body, because of which it is not possible to adjust and jump at the right moment. With such an inventory you will definitely stumble and get more disappointed. Refuse cheap plastic skaps and use lightly weighted. They will allow you to feel how the cord rotates around the body, which will facilitate understanding when you need to make a jump. The pace will decline exactly enough so that you can comfortably perform exercises without excess loads. ? The heavier rope, the better the muscles are being worked out. Middle weighting is enough to lose weight, but for building muscle mass you need a higher inventory. The size of the rope is determined by the tasks that stand in front of the jumper. For high-speed work, the cord is suitable, for the execution of tricks is more complete. Beginners can choose a neutral length by using the simple method of picking the rope of the desired size. To do this, step on the cord with one foot, twist the legs together. Pull the rope up, pressing the knobs connected together to the chest. The cord should not be highly higher or lower than the chest. Otherwise, it will either span on the floor, or be confused. ? You can adjust the length of the cord, tie the knot next to the handles. So you can change the size without buying a new rope.

Basics of jumps with a rope

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First, work out the main movements without a rope:

  • Stand straight. Sent a little legs in the knees, put the feet together. The view should always be sent forward, the chin is raised: this is necessary for nothing to prevent breathing.
  • Hands are lowered along the body. Raise your forearm and spread them on the side at right angles. Palms of both hands and navel must be on the same line. You can push the elbows from the body a bit if you are so more comfortable. When working with a jump, only brushes are involved. Sometimes a small movement with your fingers to maintain the pace.
  • Try to jump in this position. The height of jumps should be moderate. If it is too big, you will spend the energy and also lose speed.

When you worked all the main movements, you are ready to jump with a skipper. Try starting with a low tempo, making 1-2 jump. As soon as you feel confidence, increase the duration. Catch your pace and jump with pleasure.

Additional varieties of jumps with a rope

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  • Running with a high knee lifting. Alternate the right and left legs. The knee rises to the pelvis level and bends at right angles.

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  • Jump on one leg. At first, jump on one foot for some time, then - to another. 30 seconds for each will be enough.

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  • Language with breeding legs. Make a jump and spread your legs in different directions at a distance of a little more shoulders width. Then jump into two feet, standing next to each other.

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  • Jump with the rotation of the stop. Tighten and turn the right leg so that it indicates for 2 hours, and the left is 10 hours. After you land in this position, jump up and change the position of the stop so that they point to 12 hours. To protect your knees, do not turn the legs too much and be sure to land with a slightly bent knees.

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  • Split jump. In the precise, first put forward the right leg, bent in the knee left foot is behind. Then in the jump, change your feet: put the left forward, right slightly bend in the knee.

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