Prosecutor General of Belarus proposed to tighten the responsibility for extremism

Prosecutor General of Belarus proposed to tighten the responsibility for extremism 188_1
Prosecutor General of Belarus proposed to tighten the responsibility for extremism

The Prosecutor General's Office of Belarus offered to tighten the responsibility for extremism. The Prosecutor General of the Republic of Andrei Swede spoke about this on January 31. He revealed what categories of offenders will become the object of legislative changes.

In some articles of the Criminal Code of Belarus, it is necessary to make changes and tighten the responsibility for extremism. This was stated by the General Prosecutor of Belarus Andrei Swede on the air of the TV channel "SVT" on Sunday.

According to the Prosecutor General, legislative changes are required to be held as responsible "not only the organizers of extremist formations and their leaders, but also any participants, as well as persons who assist extremist formations, they finance them and in any other form contribute to extremist activities. .

The Swede stressed that the amendments to the law would be directed to the prevention of the "destabilization of the social situation, a violation of public order and other unlawful and negative consequences." In particular, the responsibility should follow the training of people of extremist activities, the spread among them extremist views, propaganda, inciting retail and the like.

The Attorney General stressed that the decision will be not only a serious prophylactic nature, but also will help to stop the financing of extremist activities for the root.

Recall, on January 28, the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was held with representatives of the law enforcement agencies, according to the results of which it was decided to change the legislation. It is assumed that laws associated with the domestic political situation in Belarus will be worked out. Relevant amendments will be prepared and entered in the next two months.

During the meeting, Lukashenko also called Belarus "Spring for Attack [West] to Russia." The Belarusian leader emphasized that the current protests are just a "rehearsal", and the situation is most stored after the elections to the State Duma in September 2021, he also stated that the Investigation of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny is one of the attempts to "dig" the situation in Russia.

Recall, on the eve of the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the information war, which foreign states are conducted against Russia and Belarus. The agency believes that other countries use various technologies and methods of manipulating public opinion in order to radicalize protest sentiment.

Read more about protests in Russia and Belarus in the material "Eurasia.Expert".

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