Chicago will remove a film about the confrontation of cryptocurrency and the world Wall Street


Production company with headquarters in Chicago will remove an art film about the effect of cryptocurrency on Wall Street.

Love and money - the main values ​​for Wall Street

The StoryLab film company declared about the preparing adaptation of the memoirs "OnCe More Without Feeling" of one of the leading employees of Bitcoin Hedge Foundation Brandon Elsasser. The new feature film about the cryptocurrency market has already been called The Trade ("Trade"). The producer and screenwriter of the film will perform Jack Roberts, who has already released the famous film The Rock'n'ROll Dreams of Duncan Christopher and the TV series "Father". Also Roberts and Elsasser will be executive producers. It is worth noting that the film "Trade" will become the first tokenized film, and the tokens themselves will be bargained on the cryptocurrency market.

The film "Trade" tells the story of one female trader who works on Wall Street. She decides to challenge the boss and prevent a conspiracy against the company using the technology of blockchain and cryptocurrency. At the same time, the main character is trying to strengthen the family relations, which recently gave a crack.

At the moment, the actress is being searched for the role of the main character, and the shooting themselves will begin in the fall of 2021.

Chicago will remove a film about the confrontation of cryptocurrency and the world Wall Street 18787_1

Cryptocurrencies - a new genre in cinema

The film "Trade" was not the first in the market of cinema, which is dedicated to cryptocurrency and is based on the memoirs of real people. Previously, Beincrypto reported that in 2021 the screens will be released a new picture of the director and Scott Berns Scott, known on the films "Informant", "Ultimatum Born", "Infection" and others.

The main role in the new film "Fake" ("Fake") will play Oscar-axis actress Kate Winslet. She will also produce a ribbon producer, which tells the story of the largest pyramid in the cryptic world of Onecoin. The film will be the screening of the book Jen Makadam and Douglas Thompson who were victims of the Pyramid of Onecoin, investing more than $ 300 thousand dollars.

And the television film "MONERO MEAN MONEY" ("MONERO means MONEY") about the Monroo coin broke the record on the cash collecting. In one day of rental, the film collected $ 3430 despite the fact that no more than $ 2000 went to its creation.

The Post in Chicago will shoot a film about the confrontation of the cryptocurrency and the world Wall Street appeared first on beincrypto.

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