Galina Polish. Two catastrophes in life actresses


Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. Brothers Vasiliev, People's Artist of the RSFSR Galina Polish can be familiar to the eldest generation of our readers by the role of Claudia Nikulina in the film-efficiency "Shadows disappear at noon" or on the films "I'm walking around Moscow" and "Wild Dog Dingo".

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The People's Artist of the RSFSR Galina Polish played Klawidia Nikulina in the Soviet Soviet Epiphea "The shadows disappear at noon." How was her fate?

The first losses

Galina Polish appeared in Moscow on November 27, 1939. The future actress has lost her parents early. Her father died at the front under Voronezh in November 1941, the mother died from tuberculosis when the girl was eight years old. Galina had to go to the orphanage, but her neighbors found her grandmother of the girl in Belarus, which moved to Moscow, began to work as a cleaner and look after his granddaughter. Together they lived in a tiny room with an area of ​​9 square meters. m.

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Galina Polish in the movie "Wild Dog Dingo"

After school, Polish became a student Vgika, where he met her future husband, Faika Gasanova, who studied at the Directory Faculty. From him, Galina gave birth to the daughter of Irada, because of what was forced to take an academic leave. In 1962, being another student, the Polish first appeared on the screens, and immediately in the lead role. Galina played a seventh grader Tanya Sabaneyev in the screening of the story of Rouvim Fraerman "Wild Dog Dingo". Few knew that the actress, portraying the schoolgirl on the screen, was at that time a nursing mother.

Left without her husband

In 1963, Galina Polish reincarnated in the saleswoman of records in the film Georgy Dellai "I step in Moscow", and two years later she became a widow. Faik Hasanov filmed a movie near Odessa, where he died. The actress claimed that her spouse had lost his life in a car accident, but Faika's friend Stanislav Chaplin told another version of what happened.

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Galina Polish in the film "I'm walking in Moscow"

"Faik away from home began to drink, women appeared on the side. Everything ended in a tragic death: in Odessa, after the scandal with her husband, his mistress jumped into the street, fell under the tram, and his legs cut off, "said Chaplin.

In 1967, two years after the death of Gasanova, Galina Polish spun the resort affair with the director Alexander Surin, the son of the director of Mosfilm Vladimir Surin. Suddenly Galina got pregnant from him. Surin married Polish, but this marriage existed only a year. The daughter of Maria actress brought up herself.

According to rumors, after parting with Surin, some directories refused to work with Polish, so as not to bring the anger of her former swarker, but it did not prevent her to appear in the multi-sided film "The shadows disappear at noon."

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Galina Polish in the series "Shadows disappear at noon"

The grandson became disabled

After the divorce Galina Polish no longer married. She devoted himself to work and upbringing daughters. The actress was able to resist in the profession in the difficult nineties, and in the "zero" starts, like many, to be filmed in the series. Galina Alexandrovna and one more concern appeared: she took on the upbringing of the grandson of Philip. Her daughter Mary married a citizen Beirut and left him to Lebanon with him, but she didn't get to pick up the child, so the boy lived with his grandmother under five years old.

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Galina Polish in the series "Lady Bomzh"

At the end of the "zero" Philip returned to Russia and the Polish at the joy presented the grandson of the motorcycle. This gift was for the young men of fathers: he crashed into a bumpman and got into the hospital, where the doctors could not keep his leg due to the emergence of complications.

"I blame myself in what happened. Even then his friends said that the wheel of the junk. Well, nothing: the main thing is that alive! I will cope somehow, "the actress worried.

Philip and in fact could get better with his disabilities. He learned to use the prosthesis, again began to ride a motorcycle and flew away to receive education in London.

The 81-year-old Galina Polish continues to be filmed in films and serials. In 2020, it could be seen in the Sitkom "Filatov", where she played the mother of the Hero of Fyodor Bondarchuk, and in a multi-detective detective "death in the lens".

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Galina Polish in the series "Death in the lens"

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