At the temple in Grodno, an active youth movement is unfolded - "Vasilka". What are your goals and guys?


On the day of the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, we want to tell you about the youth movement, the inspiration of which was the cleric of the Nikolsky temple of the bishops of the G. Grodno.

At the temple in Grodno, an active youth movement is unfolded -

Today, in the throne festival in Nikolsky, a youth choir singing together with children. The same guys distribute baking and tea on the street for everyone - in gratitude to the temple for the fact that they managed to unite this year in his roof this year. From the very beginning, young people gathered in the chat "Brotherhood of not indifferent Christians", after received the official name "Youth Brotherhood in honor of St. Navy. Gabriel Belostoksky, "and they themselves call themselves" cornflowers ", writes portal But let's in order.

It all started with a chat in social networks and the appeal of Father Pavel Sergeeva to gather together to be shaved Christians of Grodno. Nobody limited activity field and degree of insertion: come, offer, we will think how your project is to implement.

"At first, we were quite a bit," said Father Paul. - At the first meeting in Nikolsky, we made a prayer at the beginning of a good deed, met. It happened that many came with their projects. Paul, professional hockey player, offered to train people with disabilities. Anastasia Nutkin came with the idea of ​​creating an Orthodox kindergarten with an emphasis on early development. Gennady, Electric, wanted to train people with disabilities to repair phones and household appliances, give them a profession. Lisa had the idea of ​​a youth musical group that could perform at charitable concerts. The guy came from the tourist center, said he wants to led pilgrimages ... In general, the guys had many delous ideas.

Brotherhood began with 6 people, and today there are 20 permanent members and about two dozen volunteers. Moreover, membership still needs to be earned. So there are no random people here.

Why "Vasilka"?

- When we began to generate ideas, they realized that the construction of a social center would help to bring them to life. The diocese has a building on Vasilka St., 5. He needs a complete reconstruction. And we also wanted to participate.

Lisa, Bratchitsa, tells:

- We realized that we would not cope with our own repair, but we can do something in the yard. We went there all August: arranged a street pad with benches, tables, tents, scene, spent the light. And when in the chat negotiated a meeting, they wrote not "on Vasilka, 5", but "on cornflowers". And constantly it sounded with us - "on cornflowers, on cornflowers." And when the question arose, as we were called, immediately decided - "Vasilki".

On this site, the guys held two large charitable concerts: in August and October - with the involvement of people with disabilities, a sweet table and a worn fair.

At the temple in Grodno, an active youth movement is unfolded -

Home Goal - Help Disabled

Have you ever thought about how much people in Grodno people with disabilities? Only on the care of the Grodno charitable society, which helps "cornflowers", about 140 families. And these are only children. But everyone is waiting for adult life with their tough laws. Who will they become? That's what they think the guys from the Brotherhood.

When it is ready for a single-storey building on Vasilka, 5, the fraternities will be able to open inclusive workshops there, where people will teach people with disabilities to different crafts.

"These people will receive a profession and will be able to fully work, for example, repairing phones and equipment, administer groups in social networks, women will be able to make makeup and manicure. It will be an additional incentive to them not to get closed on your illness and leave the house. As far as I know, in Grodno, this has not yet done this, - says father Paul.

So most of the shares of fraternities are aimed at collecting funds for workshops who will open the future for many people with limited physical abilities. Each ruble will go into business.

What guys do today?

Today, the brothers distributed pastries and hot tea to parishioners after a festive service. All donations - to the social center.

At the temple in Grodno, an active youth movement is unfolded -

Every weekend of December, by replacing each other, spend in Old City an action "Christmas comes to everyone." All buyers of the shopping center are offered to become wizards for dozens of needy. Gifts will be transferred to families where there are disabled children, families in a socio-dangerous position, as well as the widows of priests and priests, which for illnesses went beyond the state. In the first weekend gathered 7 large carts, and therefore, for many many people, the holiday will be joyful in this very difficult year. And all the fascinated money again - to the dream, to the social center.

While the building on Vasilka is not ready, the guys are going to the Nikolsky temple and do not sit idle. Volunteers walk to children with disabilities in the Red Cross. Paul conducts free sports activities for special children in the development of motorcy and coordination, one boy even took it to his hockey team. Several children Gennady teaches playing the guitar. For the wards of Grodno Charitable Society, fraternities are carried out by master classes for knitting and decoupage. Anastasia, a professional dancer, helped the organization in the autumn of the youth evening and everyone taught to dance tango.

And the fraternity has a great initiative appeared - to support rural priests.

- We immediately wanted to ride the temples like pilgrims. And somehow, at the meeting, Father Alexander Hombak, who headed the social department in the past, told me how happily he to remember how they went to rural temples and helped the father. When the question arose where the fraternal liturgy was used to serve us, I remembered the words of Father Alexandra, and I had everything connected, "Paul's father smiles.

Eugene develops the route of the trip, the guys are folded with money and sacrifice their rural temple, bring scores, wine, serve themselves, they themselves sing under the leadership of Lisa. After the service suggest assistance to arrival.

- And the priest is good, and urban guys from the fraternity is useful to see how simple people live in the village, as a rural priest lives. So as you get used to that not everything is just given in life, "says father Paul.

At the temple in Grodno, an active youth movement is unfolded -

What plans?

The main thing and desirable is to finish repairs on the cornflower, move there and start a full-fledged work in workshops. The guys want to open a photo trip there, shoot videos, organize a sports room, theater studio - everything for working with disabled people. There is even an idea to open a room where women who were subjected to domestic violence will be able to get help and overnight. They want to bring piano to cornfloa, and Lisa will be able to teach children to music. The guys plan to invite to fraternal concerts and special children - not only to watch, but also to participate. Honestly, in one material it is difficult to fit all the fact that the fraternists are burning.

- Each of our departments have a plan for a year, - shows its diary Lisa. - And it is very mobilizing. Father Paul for us more from the side observes, prompts and spiritually shakes. Much depends on the chairman of the fraternity, and we have a clever.

I ask Lisa, whether it is afraid of burning through for a while.

"If a person is alone, he pulls everything on himself, of course he gets tired at some point," she says. - And it is becoming more and more of us, so burnout us is not threatened!

On the street Vasilka also plan to open the temple. A small building for him is, but there is also a lot of work there.

"Brotherhood for me is the beginning of the community," said Paul's father. - On the one hand, the spiritual community, on the other, is the beginning of the social activity that will unfold in this center. Now the incarnations of the future are laid, which we are all waiting.

How can I help?

Brotherhood always glad to volunteers and any help. You can contact the chairman and confessor of Brotherhood in Instagram and by phone: + 37544-776-76-93 - Father Paul / + 37529-786-09-10 - Anastasia.

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