"It's really dangerous": Mask experienced a monkey penetration into the human brain


The horror stories about the mass chipping of people this week is pretty preheated eccentric billionaire Ilon Mask. He dived with a computer chip in the monkey's brain and taught her to play the strength of thought in video games. It turns out that the evolution made a man from monkey, and Mask made some kind of superman from the monkey. The technology for the valve of electronic chips to the brain is only tested on monkeys, and in the future it is intended for people. Intent, as the mask assures, the most good. In the future, this technology will be able to help people with disabilities in managing a computer or smartphone.

Monkeys, rats, pigs - they all have already experienced what it means to be chipped. In the Swiss laboratory, scientists gave a monkey chip, which had a spinal cord paralysis. After a couple of days, the immobilized monkey took steps. An American Yang Burkhart in June 2010 unsuccessfully jumped from the rocks into the water and was paralyzed. He could not independently raise his hand, eat, drink, was completely immobilized. Doctors gave a chip into the brain of Burkhart chip, which, though partly, but returned it to life. Now he plays the guitar and drives driving.

Attempts to penetrate a person's head, to read his thoughts are carried out no longer than a dozen years. True, all this time it was a one-way movement, when only the computer read brain pulses. But what if everything happens in the opposite direction - and artificial intelligence will already be imposed by a person, what and how to think, affect our thoughts and choices?

Professor MSU Alexander Kaplan says that the idea of ​​a mask is to connect not several dozen electrodes to the brain, and tens of thousands. This technology resembles the principle of the sewing machine - to flash the brain with electrodes. This method when the electrode is directly implanted into the brain, more accurate. But for this you need to open the cranial box.

The first attempt to penetrate the human head and influence its brain in the first half of the 20th century Portuguese doctor Antony Egash Monis. He was looking for a way to treat schizophrenia. And as they thought earlier, I found. Introduced into the brain a special loop and rotational movements caused damage to the parts of the brain. After this will be called lobotomy. Having affecting the brain, Monis destroyed the personality and life of a person, forever turning it in essence in a vegetable, making it obedient and manageable.

Today, Lobotomy is considered the obvious failure of psychiatry. And what if the implant chip may turn out to be the same lobotomy? Is there a danger in the desire of Ilona Mask to chip a person?

Alexander Kaplan, Professor MSU: "It's really dangerous. Because it is a purely neurosurgical operation. You need to open the skull. You need to enlist these very electrodes there. There may be any rejection processes. And in general, it can get infection. "

Then why do Ilona mask dig in our brains? It is worth remembering that Mask is not only a philanthropist and the conqueror of space, but also a businessman. And for chipping can stand simple and quite understandable for any entrepreneur dream of gigantic profits.

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