What is the interesting stopwatch?: The fate of old things

What is the interesting stopwatch?: The fate of old things 18700_1
What is the interesting stopwatch? Photo: Depositphotos.

What is interesting? With your pleasant sound - Tick-like. The opposite combination of these words is also known - a tactic, building different actions, on the oldest instrument of measuring time.

The stopwatch is on, and the time went - the beginning of the event: daily walking or running. At the end of the distance, the hand stops a second hand, an involuntarily read time. The distance is completed, sportswear is reset, the body takes a shower, a soul - a pacification from the desired.

And the stopwatch is gaining heat at home, heats up (or cooled) while waiting for the recording of the spent time. And now the record is completed, the arrows are returned to its original state, the stopwatch goes to rest, hanging in its place - at the entrance door.

Daily running or walking lead to the time constancy. We rejoice like children, the readings of the shooter when they freeze on the same number of the interval 45 ... 55 min, plus-minus 30 sec.

Sometimes deviations occur, and the hand automatically turns off the stopwatch.

... One of the cases of the morning run is stuck in memory. The distance ended, on the stopwall there was a 52th minute. Sitting on the bridge over the road, took the last turn to the house and rushed to the finish. There was a beautiful summer weather, and suddenly in the full silence of urban dawn, in a meter over his head, a light rustling of the air was flashed, looked around - the Kohsuhun died smoothly on the bridge, and then trembled up with a sparrow in claws. There were no repetitions of urban hunting.

Like any mechanism, the stopwatch is worn out not only from work. Children love to play with him, drop on the floor. For many years, the non-working stopwatch resulted from the entrance door waiting for repair. Wizard's watchmakers avoided it:

- Well, there is no spare parts for him, we can not do anything.

As the inserted into the ground, I stood in the sportstems, silently looked at the judicial stopwatch. A pretty saleswoman also looked at me, our views met, a dumb scene began to attract the audience, waiting for the junction. Without a single word, in complete silence, the push, the judicial stopwatch first felt in his hands. Spectators disappointed with the final meeting dispelled.

- You can turn on, - sounded quiet.

So did, the second arrow went, drowned the left key, and it was rebounded, the lower arrow froze, the second press stopped the top. Such a function notes the finish of each of the two competing runners, and in the case of a quote - something intermediate at the distance.

The passport with the date of manufacture was preserved - 20.12.88, and the price is 45 rubles, which corresponded to the quarter of salaries.

A new acquisition adequately took an empty place in the hallway, in the morning I strongly asked: take me in my hands, we will go to the fresh air, say hello to the janitor, we will see the lakeside, he heard the singing of birds, the oncoming runners say "Fizkult Hi!", Do not be afraid of the lifting on the way back, back to your entrance, then you turn off me.

The solid view of the new item attracted guests, everyone sought to take into his hands, and once dropped on the floor. Time meter pendulum with 40 stones broke, the history of the impossibility of repair repeated.

In stores, pocket stopwalls disappeared, the time of cellular communication came, and the children gave me a push-button cell phone with a digital stopwatch. He worked properly 14 years while the battery developed its resource in 2020 in the replacement of the charger refused due to the limitation of the model. In the new phone there are many interesting features, a good amount of memory, but it is without a stopwatch.

What to do? Has the old stopwatch in place, the new hid in the case. The output with empty hands on the distance is tedious, the start time, the end of the honeycomb cell phone does not remember. The usual communication with the stopwatch went away, and with him and the obligation of the daily distance - true life discomfort.

Usually did not pay attention to advertisements from the mailbox, like the neighbors, all throwing away in the nearby box. But sometimes wonders happen truly - advertising with the Lermontov promise intrigued imagination.

Comrade, believe, she will come, the fate of the other side, and the discount will be offed when a business card comes to you.

It was given the details of the workshop on the urgent repair of glasses of any complexity, which for many years it accumulated abused, it is impossible to wear and sorry. The workshop was within walking distance, went to her with a set of glasses and thoughts about the "horns and hooves".

Visit to the deep basement room of a solid store exceeded all expectations: a spacious interior, cleanliness, modern equipment with laser welding, many rooms, and surprise - still repairing hours of all kinds.

After completing epic with glasses, taking the courage, brought the old stopwatch (1973 release). A short conversation, and a young man took repair without the deadline for its completion, due to the upcoming order of spare parts or their search.

Three weeks passed, the call rang, they invited to take the order. Surprised and an unexpected gift of completed repair - a worn gear of turning on the course, which was replaced from the disassembly of another stopwatch donated by one retired workshop.

An old habit took his own, daily walking resumed.

A neighbor in the elevator noticed:

- Are you again with a stopwatch?

- Well yes. Time is the wisest argument of life!

Author - Leonid Kotlyar

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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