Navalny's film about Putin's Palace scored 100 million Views YouTube Views


Navalny's film about Putin's Palace scored 100 million Views YouTube Views 18691_1

Investigation of the Foundation for the fight against corruption "Palace for Putin" on the residence near Gelendzhik scored more than 100 million views on YouTube. This was announced on Twitter director of FBK Ivan Zhdanov.

On the website Alexei Navalny published an open letter, where politician also mentions 100 million views of the investigation. He thanked everyone who participated in rallies on January 23, and also compared the Russian authorities with a cockroach from the fairy tale Korni Chukovsky and urged to continue to enter shares.

"My camera has a TV. In the TV, they said that at Saturday, small rallies were held on Saturday. The American embassy, ​​using "Fakes in Tiktok" lured there in teenagers. It seems to me that everything was not so, "wrote Navalny.

The first million views The investigation scored 55 minutes after the publication. 10 million film scored in 6 hours.

The fight against corruption on January 19 published an investigation into Putin's Palace near Gelendzhik. In a two-hour video FBK, dedicated to the history and owners of the residence, Navalny claims that the complex still belongs to Putin, despite the news about its sale. The cost of the construction is about 100 billion rubles, considers FBK. Putin said that the complex does not belong to him nor his family.

In Moscow and other cities of Russia on January 23, inconsistent shares were held in support of the arrested Alexei Navalny. Almost 4,000 people were detained throughout the country, of which more than 1,500 were in Moscow, counted the project "OTD-Info". Law enforcement agencies have brought more than 20 criminal cases.

Despite this, FBK announced new protests, they will be held on January 31. The prosecutor's office was noted that calls for participation in inconsistent shares create a threat to violation of public order and security. Warnings received leaders of five Russian and foreign Internet companies and six persons calling for participation in an inconsistent rally on the Lubyan and old squares in Moscow.

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