Mortgage for "unemployed": Can I buy housing on credit Freelancer


A third of freelancers cannot arrange a mortgage, experts say. The main reasons: the absence of official employment and low incomes. Experts told how independent specialists can get a housing loan.

"Freelancers, as a rule, work under an urgent contract of employment or are made up as self-employed. In the first case, the freelancer cannot confirm the stable income and employment documented - that is, a 2-ndfl help and a record in the employment record. Accordingly, it is more complicated to get approval on the mortgage, and even in the case of a positive solution, the banks use an increase in the coefficient. Self-employed at the moment considers only four banks. For them there are conditions for both entrepreneurs, "comments Mikhail Chernov, co-founder and managing partner of the service for refinancing Mortgage

"The only solution for the freelancer who wants to be able to get a loan is to issue an IP or become self-employed. At the same time, before applying for a loan, IP should exist at least a year, and according to the requirements of some banks - two years. It is necessary to provide a certificate of registration (deregistration) of an individual as a taxpayer of the NAP (tax on professional income) and a certificate of the status of settlements (income) on the NAP, while he must be at least 6 months, "says Analysts of the real estate agency "Bon Ton".

According to researchers of the consulting company PWC, 64% of Russian freelancers receive less than 30 thousand rubles per month, 17% - up to 60 thousand rubles. As analysts predict, by 2025, the number of freelancers will increase by 2 times.

"Some banks provide mortgage to freelancers in two documents. Without income confirmation. But even in this case, a document on official employment is needed at least for a small wage. That is, to specify a legal entity as an employer will still have to. The initial contribution is at least 30%. There is another option, the freelancer may issue a loan together with a person who has a stable income and the current entry in the employment record, "the specialists of the Agency" NDV-Supermarket Real Estate "say.

However, as experts noted, the mortgage program rate on two documents in a number of banks above 1-2%. At the same time in some banks there are no state support.

Mortgage for
Mortgage for "unemployed": Can I buy housing on credit Freelancer

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