"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily


Shibari appeared in Japan, when, due to political intrigues, the abduction of important persons was common in the country. For hostages not escaped, they were associated with different nodes - in accordance with their position in society. In the XX century, the Japanese theater of Kabuki popularized Shibari as a beautiful view with erotic elements. Now this art is more often of interest as a visual representation or spiritual practice.

Roman and Lisa are fond of chibari. In Kirov, this practice is not common, but in social networks you can find photos with beautifully related models. We tell what modern chibari is why it can be compared with meditation and the difference between the emotions of the bondazist (the person who binds) and the model.

"You can just" get down "in pain"

Roman - photographer. He met Shibari when he was looking for ideas for a photo shoot. There was no special immersion in the topic, because it was more interested in a beautiful picture. However, after studying profile sites, Roman offered his girlfriend Lisa to go to the Schibari Ropefest festival in Moscow.

- Everyone finds something in this practice. I was more interested in aesthetics. Then interested in technology. In general, I did not particularly focused in practice, rather, I was engaged in this amateur. Although, if you look at Russia, bondazhist professionals (bondazhist - a person who makes the strapping - ed.) You can count on my fingers, "says a young man.

At the festival, the novel was driving with specific questions. Previously, he deepened in the topic, studied Russian-speaking sites, but he wanted to know details from professionals.

- I wanted to know how to make a rope, why some nodes do not work. I wanted to study the technical side, since before that I looked at Shibari only from a visual-aesthetic side. Although in the present chibari action aesthetics - it's not the main thing: it happens red, and sometimes the leather with ropes, and does not always have the usual distribution of volumes due to the displacement of adipose tissue under ropes. Therefore, emotions decide here, they abound in Shibari, "Roman says.

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily

According to Lisa, the event in Moscow turned her initial idea of ​​Shibari. Before him, the girl met a photo with connected models in the network, wanted to participate in a similar photo shoot, but did not think that binding is a special practice. She was shocked by emotions of models and bondazhists: they did not exist for them another world, they were completely immersed in the process.

- I had a completely different picture. When we arrived at the festival, Roma studied technique, and I was a model. Then I realized that it was not just ropes on the body, but it is also pressure and pain. And if you do not accept these sensations, then nothing will work. You can just "get down" in pain, - Lisa shares.

What is the sensation of the model during Shibari can be compared with meditation. When the ropes are put on the body and limbs, they appear, a state similar to weightlessness appears. At this moment you do not need to try to analyze or control something. You just need to give up the process, "let go" as pain and any other sensations. Thoughts at this moment simply disappear: they are, but flow somewhere far away.

- The most interesting occurs after. When you begin to slowly unleash, you feel how the tension of each turn of the rope disappears. And you just sit, you do not want to talk or move. You fell from life for a while, and such liberation comes, "says the girl.

There is always a risk

Since during Schibari, the impunity presses on the body, you need to follow safety. Only special natural ropes are used, prepared in a special way: they are digested, dried under the tension, burn and lubricate with wax either by oil (so prepare the rope from the jute). Artificial ropes in Shibari are not used, as they can leave burn on the skin, and the nodes on them are easily self-associated, which is fraught with injuries.

At the same time, the bondazhist should know the anatomy well: if you bind mindlessly and at random, you can damage the nerve and immobilize the limb for several months.

- If it is wrong to lay the rope, it will hurt. These are not the pleasant and syllables, but the drilling pain that should not be. It may also be that the model of acute pain will not feel, and the nerve will take another half a year. So that this does not happen, it is necessary to periodically check the status of the model and not to use the suspension is not yet ready for this. It is necessary to neatly approach this lesson and understand that the risk is always, - the novel notes.

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily

Unlike bondazist, the model may be inexperienced. The main thing is moral training: it is necessary to explain what consequences may be, be sure to tell about pain and safety technique. You should not try Shibari those who have medical contraindications like the possibility of epileptic seizures or increased pressure.

- Every threshold of sensitivity is different, but you still need to be ready for what will hurt. There will be a hand to himself, imagine that it will be half an hour, if not like, then do not go, - Lisa shares.

Where is sex?

Due to the fact that chibari can have elements of erotica, people associate it with sexual practitioners. However, this is not entirely true, as the binding can be part of the prelude, but does not necessarily imply the sexual relationship of the bondage and model.

As the novel explained, for new sensations, it is possible to tie your hands even with a handkerchief, but this will not be treated to Shibari. It is more important for the process itself, which is continuous: one strapping is superimposed, then the other, they are intertwined ... This is akin to action.

- Once I communicated with one of the professorial bondazhists. He told that sometimes after binding the girls surprised: where is sex? People for some reason think that Shibari is only about sex, but it is not. In the process, you feel pain, you want to plunge into it even more, and then the moment of relaxation comes. You seem to be lost. So Shibari is not about sex at all, - comments Lisa.

As the novel explained, often Shibari practitioners who are engaged in other bodily and spiritual practices, like meditation or massage.

- People come to the master with certain problems, they want to let go of the event and free themselves from painful memories. After that, the bondazhist thinks how to correctly implement in the conjugation of movements, in giving poses, explains the young man. - During the binding from the ropes, "external skeleton" is formed: it supports you, and the muscles relax.

Bring to trust

Since binding implies a health risk, the bondazhist should clearly control the status of the model. If something goes wrong, then stop the process can any of the pair. Usually, the decision on the completion of the action takes the bondage based on the physical and emotional state of the model and from the duration of the process.

In the process of binding, it is rare to hear words, the communication of two people is more occurring with empathy. According to the novel, a good bondazhist is able to withdraw the model on trust, even if it was not in doubt.

- You caress the sensations of the model and correct your actions in connection with this. When you make a person nice, and you are also nice too. For example, when I pulled the right rope and you see that the models "comes", "the novel said.

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily

As young people reported, the reaction of the surrounding chibari in most cases is positive. Most often people react negatively, who or know nothing about the practice, or are very conservative in their views.

"I had a couple of friends reacted strangely to Shibari - there were some enemas. They do not know anything about it, but they immediately condemn. From the side, the binding may look strange, but when you are in the process, the feelings are different, - Lisa shares.

We remind you that Schibari carries risks for health. Only adults can be engaged in bondage. You can not start classes with bad well-being and with a stupid consciousness.

"This is not about sex." What is chibari and why people want to experience the pain voluntarily

Photo: Roman Makarov

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