How to make a card wish


Visualization is a powerful tool that can help achieve any goals. The story knows many examples of how the use of this reception contributed to someone's career growth, helped to get rich or reduce the level of stress. One way to visualize your dreams is to create a map of desires.

"Take and do" offers a detailed manual for making cards.

What will be needed to create a map of desires

There are 2 main ways:

  • Manually, using photos and paper cuts for making cards of desires with your own hands you may need the following materials: Watman or a piece of old wallpaper, photos, magazine cuttings with pictures and motivating texts, glue, scissors, colored markers or pencils, decorative paper clips, scrapbooking paper etc.
  • In the photo editor on a computer, a large number of beautiful pictures on the Internet allows you to make a card of desires without leaving the computer. To do this, you will need a secluded place, a little time to select suitable pictures and a photo editor like Photoshop.

Important. Consider the pros and cons of each method to determine the process of making desires. Make a digital card faster, easier and more convenient, for this it will be required to minimize the materials. However, it should be borne in mind that in a virtual wish card you will invest less personal energy. In addition, it may not be very convenient to use it: if you take a large number of pictures for visualization, there will be quite small on the map of their details on the map, which may interfere with their perception. Creating a map of desires by hand gives greater space for creativity, with its manufacture you have time to carefully consider and feel every detail. However, this process will take much longer.

How to make a card of desires do it yourself

1. Before you begin to design a map of desires, pay some time to compile a list of what you dream about. Think about such spheres as family, friends, work, study and hobbies, travel, health, material values, etc. Describe in detail your desires, and then proceed to the selection of pictures.

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2. Use cuttings from newspapers and magazines, postcards, brochures, leaflets and other paper products in order to illustrate their desires. Carefully explore Pinterest: there you can find a lot of atmospheric and emotional photos and print. You can also use your pictures on which you feel happy and like yourself.

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3. Think out the style of the future card. Listen to yourself and decide whether you want to arrange it in bright colors or use softer and muted tones. It will be simple and laconic or dynamic, alive, filled with important trifles. Think up the map design and select the appropriate parts. All this needs to be done before the start of making the card itself, so that it is not to be distracted in search of a missing element. 4. Prepare everything you need to create a card: the foundation (Watman, cork board or a piece of old wallpaper), scissors, glue, pictures and decor.

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5. Create a favorable atmosphere for creativity. Return and remove all distracting items, spread everything you need around yourself, turn off the phone and muffle the light. You can freeze the candles and include pleasant music, brew grass tea to tune in to work. 6. Start sticking pictures, moving from the center by sectors. Complete illustrations with clarifying inscriptions and details. 7. The finished card is located so that it is hidden from prying eyes. Contact it as much as possible, preferably at least once a day. So the visualization of your desires will actively work.

How to make a map of desires on a computer

1. Take a little time to determine your desires. Think about every sphere of your life and make a list of what you would like to get.

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2. Select pictures on the Internet, which will symbolize and create your dreams more accurately. 3. With the help of a photo editor (for example, Photoshop), programs for POWER POINT presentations or online graphic design services (for example, Canva) Place a photo on a colored background, add details and decor. 4. Save your card of desires and consider it daily, visualizing your dreams. Lifhack. You can make a map of desires desktop background on a computer. This simple technique will help you not forget about it and more often pay attention to it.

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How to arrange pictures on the map of desire

To reflect the wishes on the map of all areas of your life, combine selected pictures in groups and divide them according to the conditional sectors.

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  • Personality and Health Sector This sector needs to be located in the center of the map. It symbolizes you, your well-being, beauty and health. Put your photo in the middle. It should like and call only positive emotions. From different sides of it distribute the pictures of desires. These can be images associated with youth and beauty, images of a healthy taut body, a snow-white smile; Pictures that are associated with you with the right nutrition, sports, cheerfulness and energetic.
  • The sector of wealth and material well-being Here you can position the pictures, which depict material values: dear car, country house, jewelry and just packs of money - everything that is associated with financial stability and abundance.
  • Sector of Glory In this sector, you can reflect dreams about your success. Image of diplomas, awards, certificates, medals, photos of applauding people, some important conferences and forums are suitable. Also here will be appropriate pictures that symbolize good luck.
  • Sector of Love and Marriage This space can be filled with any pictures, symbolizing for you romantic or family relationships. Great photos of the in love couple, wedding cake, baby carriage, bouquet of flowers or engagement rings.

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  • Sector of the House and Family This sector can be issued by images that personify family values ​​and home comfort: place here a photo of a pleasant apartment for an apartment or country house; Pictures showing interesting designer solutions or affecting the repair process. If you are important to strengthen the relationship with relatives, place here a photo of a happy family, if the relationship with close friends is joyful people engaged in some common matter.
  • The sector of creativity and relations with children is space for visualization of the desire to become parents of the kid. Also here you can reflect dreams of creative development. You can position it in this sector items associated with your childhood; Place a photo of elements related to your hobby, with a signature to specify the desire.
  • The wisdom sector and knowledge here you can visualize your dreams to learn something, get a degree degree or enroll in the university. These may be desires associated with learning, passing any courses or trainings, affecting vital wisdom.
  • The career sector is part of the map where you can detail everything that concerns your expectations from work. Attach photos of a beautiful office, a good team, any symbol of your relationship with colleagues and leadership. It may be a picture that personifies for you career growth, a personal matter or acquiring a new profession.
  • The mentoring and travel sector in this sector can illustrate their most bold dreams of rest and travel. And also wish to find a mentor in a particular matter.

Important details

  • Listen to yourself and put on a map Only your desires surrounding often pin down on us some hopes that we can take for our desires. During the list drawing up, listen to yourself and ask 2 questions: "Do I really want it? When this dream is fulfilled, will my life be better? " If you are ready to answer "Yes" on both questions, then the desire is exclusively yours.
  • Carefully select pictures than the most color you place your desires, the better the effect may be. During the choice of pictures, pay attention to the details and the atmosphere that reigns on them. Try to feel each image and select only those that respond to your soul.
  • Detail and clarify the clearer your idea of ​​the desired, the more chances you will appear for its implementation. Dream about the car? Find a photo of the model that you like, register the items (color, novelty, complete set) on the sticker and stick it over the picture. Want to learn something new? Scroll details of the learning process and what you will be able to see several years.
  • Use positive formulations when describing desires Do not use negative statements; phrases that strongly limit the desire for the time of execution; Formulations in the future or past time. For example, it is not necessary to write "I want not to hurt this year," will more correctly "I am healthy and energetic." I will not fit the phrase "I will marry Vasya Pupina this year," it will work better "I am happy in marriage with a man who loves me. I feel attention, care and reliable shoulder. "
  • Do not leave on the map of empty places since the map of wishes symbolizes your ideal life, you should not leave spaces in it. Let it be bright, holistic and filled with meaning.

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