3 Conspirological theories that were true


We have already written about why people tend to believe in reptiloids and other conspiracy, which is very often full of nonsense. But were in the history of cases when the bikes that went in the people really turned out to be true. They remembered such.

See also:

8 Conspirological theories about the terrorist attacks of September 11

6 wilder theories of conspiracies about musicians who turn your mind

3 Conspirological theories that were true 18630_1

Hemingway Truck

The last years of his life Hemingway suffered from paranoia about the surveillance after him. Almost all the time he was in suspense: the random passers-by seemed to him the Agents of the FBI, in all the premises there were bugs, and his phone was auditioned. Without sustaining the stress, he shot himself, and after 6 years it became known that he really followed the FBI, and quite rustling. They listened to his phone, bugs stood in the writer's house, in his houses of his friends and even in a psychiatric clinic, where he was made of electric shock. We wrote more about this here.

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Gay and Fruit Machine

In the middle of the last century, rumors went that the scouts are looking for gays in military structures through the "fruit car" and dismiss them. It turned out that it was not a bike.

In the 1930s, the Soviet intelligence officer Arnold Dach was recruited English scouts ("Cambridge Five"), and they handed over to Britain with guts. One of the agents was gay, and he managed to attract a blackmail to disclose his orientation. Because of this, in many countries, they decided to get rid of gays in the police, army and civil service. So, for example, a "fruit car" appeared (gays were dismissed "fruit") - the experimental pulse was measured and showed him naked men. Many, then flew from work, not because they were excited from naked men, but because they knew that their position depends on the test, and nervous.

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Photo: DiSgustingmen.com.

Infection of black syphilis

In the 1930s, Taksigi, USA, Beshev Syphilis. Treatment of doctors did not help, and rumored rumors that they specifically infect people. This turned out to be true.

From 1932 to 1972, in the United States, doctors infected 400 black patients with syphilis to find out, better or worse, they carry the disease. They infected those who, in their opinion, are not very valuable for society - people near poverty line. But not homeless - they would be too hard to track them. Patients did not know about the disease, and they were not treated with antibiotics, but gave vitamins and placebo. The Taskijian experiment ended in the 70s, when alive remained only 74 of 400 experimental. 40 wives were also infected, and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis. In 1997, Bill Clinton apologized for this. We wrote here about this experiment here.

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Some of the experimental photos: DiSgustingmen.com

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