VTB Capital Investments attracted 3.5 trillion rubles

VTB Capital Investments attracted 3.5 trillion rubles 18618_1

The volume of client assets under the control of VTB Capital investment exceeded 3.5 trillion rubles. Only in January 2021, the figure rose by 91 billion or 2.7%. Assets on a retail broker from the beginning of the year increased by 2.4% and amounted to 1.4 trillion rubles to date, at an institutional - by 1% and reached 763 billion rubles, funds under the management of the Criminal Code - by 4%, to 1, 3 trillion rubles. The number of clients since the beginning of the year increased by 94 thousand, to 1.3 million.

"Only in November we stepped over the rank of 3 trillion rubles. Under control, and in just 2.5 months we managed to attract another 500 billion rubles. We see that the interest of the population to investments is increasing increasingly active pace, and the growth of VTB assets in investments is higher than the average market indicators. This is a high assessment of our work: we are glad that they trust us and make every effort to continue to justify the expectations of our customers. In 2021, we plan to make a lot in the field of collective investments, improve the product line of our management companies, develop confidence management, investment commitment. Well, of course, we will continue to improve VTB my investments, an application, thanks to which today all the markets of the world at any inhabitant of our country are always at hand in one click, "said Vladimir Potapov, Chief Executive Officer VTB Capital Investments, Senior Vice President VTB .

The turnover of VTB clients in trading systems in January 2021 grew 5 times in comparison with the same month 2020, up to 115 billion rubles. in a day. Last week more than 900 thousand deals were committed daily. The high dynamics of business growth VTB Capital investment ensured the constant actualization of product proposals and the development of their own trade services. A special focus is made on a mobile investment application - VTB my investment, which is updated monthly and improved. Two years in a row, it is recognized as the best investment application Runet (Premium RAEK). The audience of the service is growing rapidly. Today, more than 250 thousand customers take transactions daily through VTB MI. Monthly turnover over 1 trillion rubles. Also VTB Capital Investments are actively expanding the line of their own mutual investment funds (today - 57 funds, of which 9 - stock exchanges).

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