"The Devil Went Down to Georgia": why did the devil come to Georgia?

Disk Cover Fragment "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" Photo: YouTube.com

The gloomy criminal ballad called "That night the lights fledged in Georgia" told us a whole detective drama. In this article - the story of another country hit, whose action is developing in the same southern state. And although the devil himself is present in this song, her junction is much more optimistic, and the music is generally fun and incendiary ...

The plot of songs about how a certain prostacy calls on the "Prince Darkness" contest, or black, far from new. One of its variations and became the main music hit of The Charlie Daniels Band "The Devil Went Down to Georgia".

By the time of his exit, the violinist Charles Daniel was already well known in the musical circles. He managed to compose a song for Elvis Presley and work in a session musician on the records of Bob Dilan, Ringo Starre and Leonard Cohen. And in 1972 collected his own country team.

And at the time of completing the record of the next album The Charlie Daniels Band suddenly discovered that there is not a single song in the track list, where the violin would be used. "Disorder," the musicians thought and returned to the studio to fill this annoying space.

Photo: Disk Cover

Later, Daniels could not really remember where he had the idea of ​​a song about a sylipter. He himself believes that perhaps it was subconsciously influenced by the poem of Stephen Vincent Benet "Mountain Goat" (1925), heard in high school. It was about the contest of violinists in Atlanta, where the young orphan unexpectedly defeated a much more experienced musician and won a new violin.

However, Daniels plot came out frankly fantastic. According to him, the devil came to Georgia in search of new shower and met on the way of a young, but self-confident guy Johnny, who declares that he is the best violinist in the world. Deciding that a person with such pride - easy prey, the devil offered him to arrange a musical contest. If the young man wins, he will receive a violin of pure gold as a reward, if he loses - will lose his soul. As it is not difficult to guess, Johnny Devil won ...

The song itself resembled a little performance. Most of the time the singer does not sing here, but simply declares text for a vigorous rapid rhythm.

Interestingly, the impact violin party with which the song begins is not the invention of Daniels, but the interpretation of the topic from the composition of Vassara Clement "Lonesome Fiddle Blues" of 1975.

In addition, Daniels composed two completely different treble parties for Johnny and Devil. If the first sounds melodiously, the second is screeful and attracted. Therefore, the musician was extremely surprised that there were listeners who were more like "Dhavolskaya" Pilica.

Charles Daniels: - The devil just lets smoke into the eyes. There is no melody, there is nothing. It's just a bunch of noise. Just Belibard.

Also disapprovingly, Daniels will react to the inclusion of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" in the Guitar Hero III video game. In his opinion, the possibility of the fact that the devil can win, distorts the whole essence of the song.

The Devil Went Down to Georgia entered the Single in May 1979, ranked 3rd in the US National Charter and received Grammy in the nomination "Best Vocal Country-fulfillment by a duet or group." Then the single was subjected to a small censorship - the expression "Son of a Bitch" ("Sukin Son") decided to replace the softer "Son of A Gun" (in this context - "Prokhindei"). True, in the film "City Cowboy" (1980), a song could be heard in the original version.

And in 1993, Daniels, together with the violinist Mark O'Connor, released Sikvel his hit called "The Devil Comes Back to Georgia", which also took part Travis Tritt (Devil), Marty Stewart (Johnny) and Johnny Cash (narrator). The music remained almost the same, but the plot changed a little.

According to him, 10 years later, the disarmed Devil decided to take Revenge from Johnny, who by that time had already started his own family. In order to complicate the competition, the devil takes a gold violin from the opponent, forcing practicing on the old one. Although in the text of the sequel the results of the new fight remain untreated, from the clip to the song we see that the guy won again.

The Charlie Daniels Band song popularized the scene of a violin duel with the devil that it was reflected in such famous animated series as Futurama and Robotzype.

Finally, it is worth saying that the song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" conquered the hearts not only by listeners, but also of various musicians. Caverits on it came out and continue to go with enviable regularity. It is understandable - the theme of the musical fight is very grateful for all kinds of interpretations. Many rock bands are quite expected (Primus, Toy Dolls) replaced the compete on violin guitar duel.

And the violinist Michelle Lambert generally made the chief character of the songs of the song not Johnny, but a loved one.

There were also frank parodies. For example, Teravis Meer recorded the version "The Devil Went to Jamaica" ("The Devil comes to Jamaica"), where the king of hell argues with ... Narcodillaler Johnny on the topic whose marijuana is better!

In hip-hop version K.M.C. KRU - "The Devil Came Up to Michigan" (1991) - Heroes compete in DJ craftsmanship, and the prize is a golden turntable.

From the last corners you can mark three rigid rock versions - from Leo Moracchioli, Nickelback and Korn. Apparently, all of them were recorded as a tribute to Charles Daniels, who left this world on July 6, 2020 ...

Author - Sergey Kuriy

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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