Safety on roads during construction work


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Employees of construction enterprises seek to fulfill their task as correct as possible and so that the drivers have experienced the minimum of inconvenience. True, work does not always go smoothly, so drivers need to adhere to some rules so that the car remains safe and preservation. Specialists of the company "TK Alternative", representing special equipment from the South Korean manufacturer of Doosan, shared advice how to behave motorists on the roads, where repair is repaired. The company sells original

At normal prices directly from Korea, has warehouses and offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk. Working with the doosan brand excavators, which are often used in the repair and construction of the roadway, the Specialists of the "TC Alternative" know all about the problems and features of travel on repaired roads.

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Overcoming jigs

The transition between the old asphalt and cut part is not always smooth, therefore, driving such sections should be careful. Before the cut, you should slow down, and driving it close to it, it is necessary to remove the leg with the brake pedal. You can slightly "lawn". As a result, the blow will be softer, which will allow you to save rubber, discs and suspension.

If the slice goes along the road, then to change the strip, it is necessary to perform the maneuver more dramatically, and the steering wheel is unscrewed to a large angle. Such a "jump" should be confident, but without unnecessary risk.

Distance and speed

Compliance with the safe distance between other road users is one of the most important rules when driving on the road repaired. From who travels ahead is worth going to a larger distance than while driving on the usual road. Due to this, you can notice in time to be seen, shifting the coating and wells.

A portion of the road where the repair is underway, also require a reduction in the speed of movement. The driver who is driving at a lesser speed is more likely to communicate correctly when a non-standard situation occurs and avoid car damage.

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Road signs and other signs

Extensive repair work is accompanied by the introduction of temporary traffic rules. A reversing traffic light can be installed on the road, narrow the roadway, as well as change the direction of traffic in the opposite direction. About such changes, motorists will be learned due to the established road signs, concrete blocks, temporary markings and columns. It is important for all this to follow, otherwise because of the inattention can be paid for your car.

If temporary yellow markup is applied on the road, it is important to remember that it is a priority. The renovated area can be incorporated on cones, but they should not be ignored - even if there are no workers and special equipment on the road. The minimum disappointment will be a dead end, therefore it is not worth violating the rules of movement, let it even be temporary.

Photo: Doosan.

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