Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov intervention


Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov intervention

Former citizens of Kazakhstan were forbidden to remove accumulations from ENPF after Asanov intervention

Astana. February 22. KazTAG - two former citizens of Kazakhstan, who left for permanent residence (permanent residence) to other countries, was forbidden to remove accumulations from a single accumulative pension fund (ENPF) after the intervention of the Chairman of the Supreme Court Zhakip Asanov, Mikhail Kozachakov said a well-known journalist.

"In 2018, Almatina Diana Bektursynova moved to Canada to permanent residence and appealed to ENPF for issuing T3.3 million. The Foundation refused it, since in the" individuals "database there was no information about the departure of a woman to another country. That is, while in the database there is no marker about moving, money will not give. Logic is stupid, but these are the requirements. Bektursunova did not surrender and appealed to the Bostandyk Riceud Almaty. There was a question, in particular, it turned out that Diana Moiseevna passed the passport and identification certificate to the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Canada, since it was officially out of citizenship, "the Kozachkov reported on Monday.

Confirmed the fact of exiting Kazakhstani citizenship and the Migration Police Committee.

"In the official response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs it was said that Bektursunov's documents were recognized as invalid, respectively, she no longer has any legal attitude towards Kazakhstan. On this basis, the court decided that ENPF was obliged to pay the woman of her T3.3 million. Later, the same decision left the appeal of Almaty Horses. But you remember that the protagonist of our series is the chairman of the Supreme Court Zhakip Asanov, protecting the interests of ordinary citizens? He could not allow Diana Bektursunov to receive his T3.3 million. The main judge of the country made a personal view of the revision of the decision that had already entered into force, "the journalist said.

He noted that in most cases the chairman of the Sun introduces ideas at the request of one of the parties, "but this time there is no petition in the case."

"The ruling said, literally:" The submission of the Chairman of the Supreme Court is made on its own initiative. " That is, we encountered another kind of presentation - when the chairman can affect any matter even without someone else's request. Just Asanov decided that it was incorrect to give it to Canada Diana Bektursunova her t3.3 million. There are no marks about the road from the country! Well, it is not difficult to guess that the poverty of the Chef was satisfied with the top three Judges of Taymendenov - Ismailov - Moldachmetov. I don't know if the ENPF has already paid this money to the citizen of Canada, and now it is necessary to re-sue it in some arbitration of Toronto. Smells the work of the status, no less, the Ministry of Justice can easily allocate another $ 500 million on the lawyers to Konu - T3.3 million! " - It is ironicized by the author.

At the same time, he notes that this is not just a special case.

"In the base of judicial acts there is a similar story. Back in 2010, the Almatinee Arman Zhumagaliyev left our beautiful homeland and went for the American dream. He won the Green Map and since 2015 he became a US citizen. In 2018, a man decided that she no longer needed the services of ENPF and appealed to the court to pick up T3.9 million. The case is absolutely the same as Diana Bektursunova - a person asked the pension fund to return his money, but he was answered that The state base "individuals" he is not listed among the departing from the country. (...) Almaty has studied in Almaty Ricewide, a certificate from the embassy, ​​which says Zhumagaliyev passed Kazakhstani documents and came out of Kazakhstan citizenship. On this basis, the court ordered the ENPF to give an ex-Kazakhstanis his honestly accumulated money, "informed the journalist.

According to him, the court of the city left this decision in force.

"But Zhakip Asanov and here did not remain aside. The Chairman of the Supreme Court made an idea of ​​the revision of the case and the Troika judges of Taymendenov - Ismailov - Savinov decided that the boss was completely right. If in the basis of "individuals" there is no information about the exit of Zhumagaliyev from citizenship, then this means that he did not come out of it, so the ENPF correctly refuses him to pay money, "the report says.

On this basis, the decision of Almaty courts is canceled and T3.9 million should remain in the Pension Fund.

"And if they have already paid? And these are the problems of the Pension Fund, let them seek this cowboy in the vicinity of Dallas. The main thing is that Zhakip Khukipovich brought order and did not give money to consult the country. Now, in order to legalize the withdrawal of funds from ENPF, Zhumagaliyev and Bektursunova need to go to court again, but not to submit to the Pension Fund, but to the Ministry of Justice or the Government for citizens - who is responsible for this database "individuals"? And just when changes are made in the database and put a tick opposite the column "dropped out of citizenship", then our former compatriots will give their accumulation. In the meantime, it is impossible - Asanov forbidden, "wrote for the kitchens.

Recall, on February 9, Kozachkov said that the State Fund of Problems lost to the private LLP "Mercur Grad" dispute on T34 billion after Asanov's intervention. As the journalist noted, the indicated LLP is connected with one of the richest people of the country of Eenali Baimenov. On February 11, the Kozachkov told about one case - he said that decisions in favor of Farmers Kh Gornovodskoye on the suit "Nurbank" were abolished on T107 million after Asanov's intervention. He also noted that Nurbank almost completely belongs to Rashita Sarsenov, according to the authoritative magazine Forbes - the ninth number in the list of richest businessmen of the country. " Also, the journalist told about the opposite case - on February 13, he said that the judges of the Supreme Court did not agree with Asanov on the land dispute in Nur-Sultan.

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