In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria


Bulgarian government plans to send several Russian diplomats from the country in Russia called the "unfriendly act" noting that in the case of such an outcome of the Russian Federation reserves the right to mirror measures

In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria 18584_1

According to Vladimir Dzhabarov, the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federation Council, responding to the statement of the Prime Minister Bulgaria Boyko Borisov, which speaks of the expulsion of Russian diplomats from the country, Russia immediately responds to this measure with a mirror response. Reports about it RIA Novosti.

In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria 18584_2

I can give an unequivocal answer, we will be forced to take mirror measures if Bulgaria takes such a solution. In general, I believe that this is a "unfriendly act" from Bulgaria. - Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on International Affairs

In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria 18584_3

Not long before that, Prime Minister Bulgaria Bologko Borisov spoke about the desire to declare Russian diplomats by Non Grata, as part of the investigation of the case of espionage, according to which six people were detained by military personnel and civil servants. They are accused of transferring information affecting national security, to another state.

In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria 18584_4

Recall that January 2021, the prosecutor's office of Bulgaria held pre-trial investigations against two Russian diplomats in the case of espionage. As a result of the investigation, the following facts were revealed: since 2017, and so far, one of them carried out spyware, engaged in collecting information about the electoral process in Bulgaria. However, it became known that he has a diplomatic immunity. He holds the post of first secretary of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in Sofia.

In Russia, they promised, which will answer the mirror on the expulsion of diplomats from Bulgaria 18584_5

It was also established that another suspected of the period from October 2018 to the present was to collect information relating to state and official secrets in the field of energy, which was provided to the headquarters of the Russian intelligence service in Moscow.

Earlier, the "Central News Service" reported that the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation in Vienna considers the anti-Russian teachings of Defender Europe. Data exercises should have passed last year.

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