Artist with an iron cross: why investigators of the USSR tortured Hitler's bodyguard

Artist with an iron cross: why investigators of the USSR tortured Hitler's bodyguard 18584_1

Like Günzhe, Mishe fled from the Hitler's bunker, but they grabbed Soviet soldiers.

After the right, as Otto Gyhhnh died in 2003, journalists called Rochus Misha, the last witness of the death of Hitler

Like Günzhe, Mishe fled from the Hitler's bunker, but they grabbed Soviet soldiers. For several years he spent in Moscow prisons. If you believe the words of Pilot Hitler, there Misha was subjected to cruel beatings and torture.

Iron Cross Artist

Rokhus Mishe was born in 1917 in the Upper Silesia. His father was injured during the First World War and even before the birth of Rochus he died. And after some time, Misha became a round orphan: his mother died from pneumonia. And then the biography of Misha is reminded by the biography of Adolf Hitler himself. The fact is that like Hitler, Rochus also dreamed of becoming a painter. But he was more successful. Rokhus Misha himself wrote in memoirs that he was a Hitler's bodyguard. In addition, he worked as an artist in Hoyiersser, and then in Helna and even managed to take part in the development of projects of several public buildings.

It was because of this, Rochus assured that once was very far from politics, and even more so, from Nazi ideology. The situation has changed in 1937, after he was called on military service. Mishe said that the SS went only by the fact that he had no choice. Meanwhile, the conscript Misch was not worse than others fought. His wounded during the invasion of Poland, and after the second class was awarded the Iron Cross. So it is not surprising that he was taken to the personal guard of Hitler.

Commutator worker

Rokhus Misch since May 1940, as part of the so-called "detachment of the support of the Fuhrer", accompanied Hitler until the end of World War II. Like the rest of the bodyguards of the Fuhrer, Misha performed not only the duties of the bodyguard, but also many others. Many researchers call him a telephone operator because he was engaged in Hitler's telephone calls. While Hitler was in the bunker, Misch spent most of the time on the switch.

By May 2, 1945, Misha remained at his workplace in Hitler's shelter. So he witnessed the suicide of Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Brown. Like all other eyewitnesses of events, he assured that their bodies were wrapped in blankets and carried to the street. Rokhus was in the hut and then when Magda and Joseph Goebbels committed suicide. About it says James Wilson in his book. He managed to talk personally with Rokhus Misha. If Rokhus had not escaped from the bunker, this conversation would not be.

Conclusion and exemption

Joseph Goebbels on May 1, 1945, he removed Rokhus Michela. But he left the hut only the next morning. Escape did not work: Misha detained the Red Army and the former bodyguard Hitler sent to Moscow. The pilot Hans Brown also visited the walls of the Butyrsa prison and in his book "Personal Pilot Hitler" he wrote that Misha told about the beating behind bars to the loss of consciousness about five times: they poured cold water on his head, beat the feet and worn back to the camera. The fact is that investigators did not believe that Misha only connected subscribers and did not listen to talk, working on communications.

Apparently, it was not possible to achieve anything from Misha. He returned to his wife Gerde and daughter Briggitis on the eve of the new 1953. Misha lived a long life. And after the death of Otto Günche in 2003, he remained the last witness to Hitler's death. At the age of 96, he died in 2013. Until the end of his days, Misha insisted that he did not even suspect about the terrible scale of the "Death Industry". Rokhus himself wrote that he felt awkward, spending so many years of the will of Hitler and unaware of everything that was happening.

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