What psychological problems says a craving for cleaning


Sometimes cleaning becomes not just part of life, but absorbs all the thoughts of man, not allowing to relax and relax at home. Today we will tell you what neuroses say constant craving for cleaning, and what compromises can be improved by the situation.

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1. Strict life rules

In some people, the order is associated with respectfulness and lifestyle. Coming to visit relatives or entering the room to teenage children and seeing that a small chaos reigns in the house / room, they believe that residents live incorrectly and do not respect moral norms and principles. This often leads to conflicts with relatives. Clerave, which require the same approach to order from the rest, are not distinguished by kindness and care. But this approach to order guarantees that after a while, a person will break into useless rituals and habits, and communicating with relatives will not become pleasure, but torture.

If you feel that someone else's mess brings sad thoughts on you and causes squeaming, change your attitude to order. Relax and accept that little mess does not always talk about the lifestyle and the nature of others.

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2. Excessive tendency to rationalism and systematization

If the previous group of people living in strict rules can still allow a small mess in her home, then rationalists and lovers all put on the shelves reach the absurd, leading in order absolutely everything that see. There is neither a drop of spontaneity in their lives: each thing should always strictly lie in its place, and plans - to execute exactly on time. And on the search for the right things should not be spent any extra second.

In addition, tough rationalism negatively affects the personal life of a person and practically closes the expanses for creativity. If you notice that the tendency to rationalism and systematization deprives you of romance and pleasant spontaneity, it is worth thinking. Treat things easier and let a little relaxation and rest in your life.

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3. Clutterophobia

The so-called clutterophobia - fear of disorder - directly indicates psychological problems in the past and rules over many people for several years and even decades. Such problems can be: severe childhood, conflict situations in the family, loss of a close friend or a loved one. Cleaning is some ridder from negative. Curing cleaning, people replace negative events from memory, creating an illusion of bringing into order of life.

Instead of spending precious time and engage in self-deception, try to get rid of garbage not in the apartment, but in my head. It is not always easy to do it yourself, it is possible to seek support to a qualified psychologist.

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4. Hermophobia

Another serious neurosis is considered to be a fear of infected with viral diseases through touches or objects. Heroophobes are closed, usually do not give hand and fear once again touch the railing or doors. Not rare them can be seen in masks and silicone gloves. After the guests, they try to make general cleaning or thoroughly wash their hands after relaxing with acquaintances. Over time, such people cease to leave the house, making it only at least. Touching to any surface, they begin dizziness, tremor, spasms, lack of air. Hermophobia negatively affects the human life, making it almost unbearable and very nervous.

It will help a rational approach: in the human body there are all security mechanisms that do not allow us to get sick in most cases when we face viruses and microbes (that is, always). Moderate hygiene is quite enough. Realizing this, you will stop overly guardianship treat your own health, which will free up for you the resource that you can use in a more productive and pleasant line.

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5. Macbeth or Pilate syndrome

On some criticism affects rather strange. Instead of a pronounced anger or desire to protect his honor, such a person seeks to spend the exhaustive general cleaning or go through and so even standing on the shelf books and magazines. All negative feelings that arise when a person hears criticism, expressed in intensive cleaning and crazy guidance of order in the apartment.

If you notice that during a quarrel or unpleasant phone conversation, you begin to sort out things, it is worth thinking. This does not shift stress so much as it creates a feeling of false control over the situation. It is better to analyze the negative situation and understand how it can be avoided in the future.

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6. The result of cleaning does not bring satisfaction

If you used to be happiness and joy after you led an apartment in order, and it was accompanied by light fatigue, then with the neurosis sensations after cleaning will be completely different. Instead of the joy of a person, excessive fatigue and irritation accompany. As a rule, it speaks of unlocked tasks in other areas of life. Remember how in childhood we were ready to move several times the floors, just not to deal with lessons. If you have awareness of you at the end of cleaning, that there are much more complex tasks that do not want to perform, satisfaction from bringing an apartment to order will be lubricated. Try first to close complex things, and leave the cleaning finally. So a positive emotional effect will be stronger, because it will be supported by deserved rest.

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7. Signs of unhealthy cleaning

Nearness can be found not only on the signs mentioned above. There are individual factors indicating the presence of psychological disease. These include:

  • Permanent thrust to guide purity.
  • All free time is discharged.
  • Cleaning takes place in five minutes before the arrival of guests or during a festive or family dinner.
  • Feeling anxiety about home order in a journey or at work.
  • Excessive washing hands.
  • Negative emotions, even from a small disorder.
  • The cleaning process is constantly delayed.

When they are detected, it should be analyzed what is happening in your head. Perhaps this is a means of flight from some other problems. Not excessive will be a small vacation or pair of carefree weekend. In extreme cases, contact a psychologist.

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