In the new Tizers "Falcon and Winter Soldier" Sam and Baki try to work together

In the new Tizers
Frame from the series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers"

A few new spectacular teasers of the upcoming TV series "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" appeared on the network.

The Wanda / Vision show has already ended, and the Marvel Entertainment team hurried to remind Fanam Marvel that the second series of Disney + cycle and Marvel Studios "Falcon and Winter Soldiers" wait long. Literally in two weeks, we will be able to appreciate all these exciting spectacles:

At the end of the film "Avengers: Final" Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) handed over falcon / Sam Wilson (Anthony Maki) Captain of America. Superhero is still still to find out whether he becomes a new CEP. However, a paramount task will be the struggle for the heritage of a friend who went on peace.

At the end of the "Avengers: Final" Sam united with a winter soldier / Baku Barnes (Sebastian Stan), which was the hint of their further joint adventure. And one of the new promo is just dedicated to how they try to work together. In one scene, the guys even try to figure out how they will be called. "Team" and "partners" cut off and chose simply "colleagues".

In the TV series, John Walker (Whitet Russell) will appear, and our old familiar villain will play a big role (Daniel Bruhl) will play a big role. In addition, the show will return the agent 13 / Sharon Carter (Emily Wancapamp), which also devoted one of the fresh teaseries.

The premiere of the series "Falcon and Winter Soldier" Malcolm Spellman is scheduled for March 19.

See also: What you need to know about Marvel TV shows on Disney +: "Falcon and Winter Soldiers", "Loki", "Falconary Eye" and not only

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