The criteria of the object of agriculture were determined in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The criteria of the object of agriculture were determined in the Nizhny Novgorod region 18568_1

On March 10, the Committee on Economics, Industry, the Development of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Tourism held a round table meeting dedicated to the draft law "On the development of rural (agrarian) tourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region". This is reported by the press service of the regional parliament.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Evgeny Lyulin.

The discussion also took part Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly in Economics, Industry, Entrepreneurship, Trade and Tourism, Vasily Sukhanov, Deputies of the Regional Parliament, representatives of the Government of the Oblast and ISU, the Entrepreneurial Community.

During the event, the concept of the draft law on agrotourism was announced. In his speech, Evgeny Lyulin noted that agrotourism has great potential and as a business, and as a tool for the development of territories.

"Our nature, richest historical and cultural heritage can become one of the competitive advantages in the global tourist market. For example, in Europe, about 100 thousand farms are involved in agritourism, which brings about 35% of aggregate income. In our Nizhny Novgorod region, you can also find equestrian clubs, and ostrich farms, and many other tourism facilities in environmentally friendly areas, where you can relax with your family and enjoy real rustic food. But the number of such tourist objects is small. They need to increase and work on infrastructure, transport accessibility, service, "Evgeny Lyulin said.

According to the developers of the concept of the draft law, the document must give a new stimulus to the socio-economic development of rural territories. This requires diversification of the rural economy, supporting all types of business creating jobs, including in agrotourism. In particular, the criteria of the object of agrotourism in the Nizhny Novgorod region have already been identified in the draft law. Also prescribed the share of income from the sale of goods (works, services) to provide hospitality services in rural guest houses. It should be at least 60%. The share of income from the sale of goods (works, services) in the field of production and processing of agricultural products according to the document will be at least 10%.

During the discussion, the views of the entrepreneurial community and representatives of the authorities of various levels were listened, and issues related to the development of various measures to support the sphere of agrotourism in the region were listed. The topic for the conversation was also a discussion of different aspects of the development of this direction.

"We must recognize that the state has not yet been closely relating to this area. Now the situation begins to change. The amendments to the Federal Law "On Tourist Activities", where the concept of "agrotourism" should appear. Experts predict that the development of agrotourism in Russia will increase the welfare of residents of the villages and will contribute to the development of infrastructure on the village - will improve the condition of the road, solve a number of problems with transportation, water supply, trade. In the Legislative Assembly, work is close to the creation of a law on agrotourism. In the near future, we plan to go out on the first reading of the document. But it is important for us to work out the bill in detail, so today we invited representatives of the tourist and agricultural business. These are people who know the existing problems and understand how they can be solved. I am confident that with such a systematic work we will have a good result, "said Evgeny Lyulin. "Today it turned out a very live discussion. This suggests that this topic is of interest among representatives of the entrepreneurial community. I am grateful to them for raised very important issues, told about the problems faced by. It is worth noting that many questions were answered during the discussion. This indicates a high degree of study of the concept of the bill. Business is worried about relationships with regulatory authorities and with executive authorities. We also talked about benefits and involvement of agricultural land in turnover. All these questions later will be studied in detail and will be reflected in the draft law, "Vasily Sukhanov emphasized. "A separate law is needed, which would regulate the development of such a direction as agrotourism. It would help very well, and already operating campuses. I myself do business in the sphere of tourism and agriculture. We see real assistance that agricultural enterprises are rendered today. I want similar support to be and for the sphere of agrotourism. Then people will come and work in this direction, which means that new jobs will appear, "Oleg Shlokov said the owner of the Nizhny Novgorod turbase.

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