Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong

Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_1
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_2
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_3
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_4
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_5
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_6
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_7
Translated $ 130 thousand, and money - everything. Russian through Belarusian bought coins, but something went wrong 18564_8

There are two Igor in this story: one - Igor Shokars from Moscow, the second - Igor Blueberry from Minsk. The first decided to invest, but in non-standard - coins. The second was engaged in numismatics and was ready to help with buying and delivering. Well, then - the story about honest words, a pandemic and some more invested in the coins that are now trying to return their money.

The story of the eyes of creditors: "He painted successful schemes, quite viable, whether they are embodied in reality"

Muscovite Igor Shokarov 42 years old. He is a businessman and is engaged in construction and IT. With his 35-year-old thesis from Minsk, he met for about three years ago through Facebook.

- He spoke about his classes, about what is an expert in the collection coins market, specializes in modern silver coins. Initially, we had enough friendly relationships, since the blueberries lived in the US for a long time, he had American citizenship, and he could tell a lot about - he was always interested to listen, "recalls shockars.

Minsk resident invited Muscovite to Minsk. Shokarov flew in January 2019. At the meeting, the blueberries told about investment in collectible coins.

- Igor drew successful schemes. I note, the schemes are quite viable, whether they are embodied in reality, "said Muscovite.

In February, he agreed to the offer of Minsk Igor about buying 20 collectible silver coins.

That coin "Nemoye Lion". Photo: AV.BY.

- It was "Nemoye Lion", Issuer - State Education Niue, Manufacturer - Polish Mint. The price was $ 500 per unit, "Muscovite says. - I gave Igor $ 10 thousand through his friend. For nine coins, he brought me, the rest - no, motivating it by the fact that he was driving a lot of coins. The photos of the rest showed and promised to convey at the first time.

Seeing the goods, in May and June, Igor Shokarov translated Igor Bluenik about $ 13 thousand for the purchase of coins. And again not directly, but through the MTBank card of Mother of Blueberry. In August 2019, Muscovite translated another $ 19 thousand and $ 35 thousand in Minsk citizens.

This money is part of the amount from the house sold in Moscow. In addition, the Russian later transmitted money several times by cash, and also translated Belarusian funds through maps of other people whom he calls "cashiers" Igor Blueberry. The total amount, according to the estimates of the Muscovite, was $ 140 thousand. Issues immediately arise: was there any agreement and why didn't you direct money?

"He spoke about the documents all the time: here they are, everything is, but then the kids are bothering, then hemorrhoids inflamed, they say, to pass through the week," explains Muscovite. - And the impossibility of getting money directly, he explained the balance of the banking system of the Republic of Belarus and the inability to discover them, as a US citizen and the "non-resident" of the Republic of Belarus, a bank account in the country. Although the blueberries himself, from the fall of 2018, constantly lived in Belarus, had citizenship, therefore was automatically a tax resident of Belarus.

"Explained the delay in the return of the return by the fact that everything suddenly deceived him"

- Then Igor initiated a number of remote transactions. As he stated, the transactions were on the redemption of coins from other market participants - as I understand, in fact, I simply extended his debts to other people, "Muscovite says. "But neither coins, no money I still saw." Igor explained to tighten the refund terms by the fact that he all suddenly deceived: and partners in the United States, and companions in Belarus. All coins, even bought and demonstrated to me remotely, were not suddenly not from him, but at his partners, he quarreled with all of them. All this happened immediately after I ran out of money. Until that moment, everything was just wonderful.

Then the Russian, along with another Yuri Sotnikov, began to help references. They found a minimum of seven victims, of which six - Belarusians, another - US citizen. They handed over to Igor Chernikov who are $ 50 thousand, who are $ 10 thousand, who are $ 5 thousand.

Among them, 30-year-old Eugene from Minsk, which works in the field of IT. He invested $ 18 thousand into coins.

"Igor knew 15 years, all this time he was engaged in coins, did not hide, led a public lifestyle. Married, four children. I took money from people familiar and worked honestly. If it were a fraudster, in 15 years I would sleep. Therefore, it was confidence, "he explains. - He had a reputation of an experienced person, an expert in this field, so I turned. But, as we see, there were already gray diagrams ...

Moskvich and another victim wrote statements to the Belarusian police, but after the inspection in the initiation of a criminal case they were denied them. Muscovite came a response that once the crime occurred in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to contact the Russian police.

"We also applied to the US FBI, since Bokenka also has American citizenship," Muscovite says.

Now all the creditors of "Numismat" are looking for other victims to unite efforts and apply to the law enforcement agencies of three countries: Belarus, Russia and the United States. The total amount of money they passed to Belarusus exceeds $ 200 thousand.

"We think that the amount will be more, as you are sure that the victims may be more," said Yuri Sotnikov.

Borrower: "What happened what I could not see even in a terrible dream"

We contacted Minsk City Igor Blueberry. He is a graduate of the famous lyceum named after Yakub Kolas, and during our communication he constantly emphasized it. Like the fact that he has five children. At the moment, Igor is located in California with his family.

"I never took any kind of money for different purposes, I have always been engaged only by the mint business, moreover," says Minchanin and adds that, besides him, the company owns more companions.

"I officially ordered coins on a mint of the courtyard in Poland to a firm in the United States, the VAT was filmed. And I ordered them for cash from dealers unofficially. The coins were sent by mail or transferred to the courier, "explains the essence of his business Blueberry. - I have never signed any contracts with anyone. If there were contracts, they would have to pay taxes from this, and no one did not want to do so.

Everything began to collapse with the arrival of quarantine and the closure of the borders. The trip was delayed and was transferred because of the situation with Italy, and then with quarantine he was canceled. There was something that I could not see even in a terrible dream: closed the border, and I could not go to the dealer in Italy, who had coins. The dealer stopped contacting. I turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Italy with a request to assist in finding a person, but they did not help me, they said that they had no such thing. What happened to him, I still do not know.

I spoke about it (to my customers. - Note Onliner) already several times. Already he applied to different law enforcement agencies for help, but so far everyone is bred by their hands and can not help anything. As a result, all this stretches for two years. Morally it all sighed me very much.

When everything happened, I was so desperate because I could not do anything after I was confused and deceived fraudsters that I took some of my money and went to Minsk in a casino. Because I met one person who said that he knew how to help me, and would love me. He asked to find the amount of money for this, I took it from my acquaintances. But as a result, it did not work because of fraudulent software, which establishes the institutions of Minsk. And this comrade from Moscow told everyone that I lost his money in a casino! But this is full of nonsense and nonsense! First, there the amount was not at all. Secondly, all his money was actually embedded in coins.

"I never deceived anyone and was not going. This is not my way. "

"They are now in coins," Blueberry continues. - But I haven't had access to them yet, since my partner in California also invested in coins in Italy, which are stuck there. And he took himself the share of my coins in California, until I would bring him coins from Italy. In fact, everything is very difficult and confusing. Each of the partners, as it turned out, their ambitions and principles, and it is very difficult to agree with someone. As a result, I got nerves, and I decided to close the business. Now I count with everyone.

The last time I tried to contact Igor Shokarov and asked him where I could list him money, he did not answer me. Before that, I suggested paying to him on the map, he ignored my message. I tried to solve this question in a good way, what I heard: We do not believe you, we're not going to be going, you are a fraudster, you will sit in prison and so on. They started to put an ultimatum, and then write about me on Facebook all sorts of nasty and implausible accusations.

By the way, I had no conflict with the shockarov and there was never questions, the whole porridge brewed the centuries. I relate to Igor in a friendly and not going to throw him or cheat him. He trusted me, and I do not want to bring it. If you deceived me, it does not mean that I will also deceive.

I need time to pay with all. But the Sotnikov says that I am a fraudster and that I should not pay with his friend, but to sit in prison. And he does not care that I have five small children! This is some kind of absolutely cynical, inhuman, not understanding the situation of a person. But I do not care, my conscience is clean. It will turn to the shockarov if it comes to contact. With all the others, I will accounter in the near future. Although the sums there are relatively American salaries.

I never deceived anyone and was not going. This is not my way. I am a honest man and decent. We all go under God. At the moment I have already contacted all minor depositors and agreed with them about the amounts of return their deposits. I solve everything with everyone in kind and humanly. At the moment, I have the plans to settle with everything and part. I don't want to take responsibility more responsibility. I have other plans and ideas for implementing yourself and conducting activities that will no longer be associated with investments.

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I don't believe anyone with both

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