"Alice" became a perfume consultant

Alice has become a PRSPB perfume consultant

The chain of the Golden Apple stores on the eve of the holidays presented a new skill at the Alice's voice assistant from Yandex - "Perfume Consultant." This feature helps to find a suitable aroma itself or as a gift. You can activate the function by saying: "Alice, run the skill" Perfume Consultant ".

Having answered questions about the reason for the gift, the estimated budget and character of a person, you will receive a recommendation appropriate for request. All the flavors recommended by a personal perfume expert can be at once in one click purchase on the Golden Apple website.

The heroes of the humorous commercial about the "perfume consultant" were blogger Stas Kruglitsky, shooting Vaine in the image of Santana Novikova, and Tanya Mingalimov, leading the Youtube show "Friends". According to Santana's plot tells a friend about a quarrel with a guy who does not understand hints. Santana wants a man to fit, and decides to buy a perfume, pretending that this is a gift from a secret fan. "Alice" helps to choose an aroma as if from the face of anonymous.

Nikolay Bastrakov, Creative Director of the InBase Content Agency: "In the image of Santana, Novikova, many girls can learn themselves, and Tanya Mingalimov perfectly approached the role of the girlfriend, which always hearse, will support and give advice. It turned out a successful tandem. The roller funnyly beats the condition after a quarrel with a guy and approach to the choice of flavor online. The project was launched in a short time: from the creation and coordination of the scenario to the start of the advertising campaign was held. "

The video is published in the Instagram account Tanya Mingalimova, and the YouTube launched teaser advertising with the full version of the roller. During the month, the heroes will also support the campaign in their instagram-storsith.

Voice Assistant "Alice"

Alice is a virtual voice assistant created by Yandex. It recognizes natural speech, imitates a live dialogue, gives answers to user questions and, thanks to the programmed skills, solves applied tasks. For example, Alice can help find information on the Internet, build a route, suggest where to dine what the weather is and much more. The easiest way to access Alice on a computer or phone is to install Yandex.Bauzer or Yandex application.

Today, half of all requests are already voiced. By 2023, one person will have 2-3 voice assistants. *

Composition of a creative group
  • InBase (Content Agency)
  • Creative Director: Nikolay Bastrakov
  • Senior Copywriter: Anastasia Vareza
  • Senior Producer: Anastasia Ivanova
  • Operator Director: Sergey Surin
  • Gafer: Evgeny Kolpaksidi
  • Flowerrection: Andrei Gordeev
  • Focuspuel: Dmitry Novikov
  • Makeup artist / Hair stylist: Natalia Chernosskaya
  • Project Manager: Polina Astapova
  • Sound Moderator: Maria Shikalova
  • Mediaplane: Elena Sklyleyvskaya

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