10 ways of survival when crashing the aircraft

10 ways of survival when crashing the aircraft 18561_1

The aircraft is one of the safest modes of transport. According to the EUROSTAT statistical service, in 2016, as a result of accidents, six people died in the European Union. For comparison, only in Germany as a result of road accidents for the same period, 3,206 people died. The chance to survive at emergency landing of the aircraft, according to the US Department of Security, is 95.7%. If you want to be ready for an unlikely accident, specialist advice will help you.

1. Take the plane Proper clothes and shoes

Pitator Patrick Bidencappes every time watches women who sit in a plane in a narrow skirt and heels. According to him, such shoes and clothing in an extreme case can cause the person to not quickly leave the plane. The Beydencraft also does not advise to fly in shorts and slippers. Clothes should be easy, but completely close the body.

2. Choose the right place.

Places near the spare exit and in the tail of the aircraft are the safest. The Scientific Journal of Popular Mechanics, which analyzed all aviation incidents with the survivors and died from 1971 to 2007, came to the following conclusion: places in the tail of the aircraft and near the wings increase chances of survival (69%). The survival rate of passengers who are sitting in the front of the aircraft is 49%.

3. Remember the path to the spare output

Before the takeoff, passengers must remember the path to the nearest emergency exit, says the aviation expert Cord Shelnlinberg.

4. Do not detach the seat belt

Experts advise not to relieve the seat belt throughout the flight. Unexpected turbulence may cause trauma of passengers.

5. Do not take sleeping pills and do not drink alcohol.

It is important that passengers can clearly and quickly respond in an emergency. For this reason, experts do not recommend taking sleeping and use alcohol.

6. Follow the flight attendants instructions

Passengers should always follow the crew's instructions. In case of emergency evacuation, the aircraft must be off quickly, but without panic.

7. Forget about baggage

During the evacuation, passengers should leave their baggage and valuable things. If each passenger starts to look for his things, it can lead to the death of other people. Each second is important in emergency situations.

8. In case of smoke, protect the respiratory tract

If the aircraft appeared smoke or there was a fire, passengers must protect their respiratory tract. To do this, you can attach a wet handkerchief to the nose or mouth.

9. Take a "safe posture"

From the position of the Passenger's body during an emergency landing will depend on, it will receive extra injury or not. Most likely, the plane will shake, because it is necessary to take the right pose. Grasp the seat with your arms, located in front of you, and press your head to the back or just press your head to your knees and graze them with your hands. "Safe Pose" best protects against fractures and internal damage.

10. Do not go to the floor

In the event of a panic passengers can simply complete.

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