The first meeting of the Commission on Cultural Diplomacy took place in Armenia

The first meeting of the Commission on Cultural Diplomacy took place in Armenia 18553_1

On March 20, the first meeting of the Commission on Cultural Diplomacy started in Armenia.

A prominent representatives of various regions of Armenian culture are involved in the Commission on a public basis.

In his opening list, Armenian Foreign Minister Ara Ayvazyan presented the goal of the initiative and the main directions of work, stressing that today it is possible to maximize how to diversify and intensify international cooperation as much as possible, especially in the field of culture.

"Culture is a platform, through which the most effective bridge is built between different countries, large and small, near and long-distance nations, which form cooperation, mutual understanding and, finally, friendship. Culture is certainly the most effective weapon in a diplomatic arsenal.

Armenian culture, the Armenian art of the centuries created and continues to create increditative values. Our culture through the work of our artists created works and monuments of art, which are indeed considered to be pearls of world cultural heritage and are important.

We now live in very difficult times, and immediately want to emphasize that today Armenia is more than ever to intensify its involvement in the international arena. Through the culture, we must give a new understanding, the new sound of Armenia in the international arena. I think that everyone should apply for the achievement that through the art and culture of Armenia in the international arena is perceived as a cultural center of our region. We can do it, "the Minister IDs noted.

Chosen by the honorary chairman of the commission of Maestro Tigran Mansuryan in his word, in particular, noted: "A really unusual situation, when the words of diplomacy and art move to a merger to one whole. In addition to such a reality we are all - yesterday we were at home, in our creative concerns, now we need to enter the world of diplomacy. This is the classroom of today's reality. I fully welcome this work program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the goals persecuted. From the soul I welcome us all, and I am sure that we must attach all our opportunities, and may be more, in this direction, both personally and all together. "

Welcoming the beginning of the work of the Commission, the head of the Protocol and External Relations of St. Press, His Holiness Archbishop Nathan Ohannisyan noted: "Our culture is really the most powerful weapon, and today there is a need for this weapon we used for peaceful purposes."

During the discussions following the performances, the members of the Commission on Cultural Diplomacy discussed in detail the work that will be conducted within the framework of the Commission, initiated activities and further programs.

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