I got off COVID-19, but I still got a satellite V. I tell what and how


As you probably know, from December in Russia vaccination from COVID-19, or a new coronavirus infection is carried out. The start of the campaign for the vaccination of the population took place somehow curly, because many perceived vaccination as an element of propaganda, and therefore were frightened. It is logical, given that it was registered before the completion of the third stage of the test. But as the vaccine spread over the cities, who wanted to hurt, becoming more and more. I also gotten, and now I am impressions.

I got off COVID-19, but I still got a satellite V. I tell what and how 18542_1
The vaccine must be stored in special refrigerators with temperatures -18c

My case can be considered unique in many respects. The fact is that I got COVID-19. And those who have gotten and decided to vaccinate, while not so much (I don't know such such). I prompted me the absence of antibodies that had already had time to disappear because I became infected at the very beginning of 2020, when the infection only got to Russia and was called NCOV-2019.

How to sign up for vaccination from COVID-19

I signed up for vaccination through civil servants under this link. True, in the clinic to which I was attributed to the place of residence, for some reason I was not open, and I tried to sign up in the neighboring. Everything happened, the state services automatically pulled into my data and sent a questionnaire into the clinic, and after a few hours I was called from the registry and confirmed the entry for January 25, allowing you to move the time to visit more convenient.

I got off COVID-19, but I still got a satellite V. I tell what and how 18542_2
Sign up for vaccination can be literally a couple of clicks

Despite the fact that anyone who wants to sign up for vaccination, not all are allowed to be allowed. Primary requirements:

  • You must be older than 18 years;
  • You should not suffer from autoimmune diseases;
  • You do not have to have symptoms of COVID-19 or influenza;
  • You should not suffer from allergic reactions;
  • You should not suffer from individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine.

All these items must check the therapist to which you are pre-sent.

Is it possible to be taken from COVID-19 to those who got sideways?

To identify the removal from vaccination before entering the drug, all those who discovered are mandatory through the therapist. According to the results of the inspection, it was dropped, it seems 3 people. At some point I thought I would not allow me, because when I told the doctor that Covid-19 had already sick, she was sincerely surprised why I came at all.

My answer was prepared in advance. First, I answered, according to the test of the antibodies, I did not find it, secondly, the disease was almost a year ago, and, thirdly, I previously consulted in the Ministry of Health and got good to vaccination.

But my words did not convince the therapist, and she called the head of the department to make the decision to accept. The head, however, was determined and, having learned that I had sled Covid-19 for more than six months ago, boldly sent me to vaccination.

I got off COVID-19, but I still got a satellite V. I tell what and how 18542_3
Here dose for 5 people, so vaccination makes a group of people

It is ironically, that in a memo, which was presented to me, it is said that the experience of COVID-19 is a contraindication for vaccination. But, I think, the thing is that the memo was our doctors who deal with a new coronavirus infection relatively recently, and do not yet know what to do with those who got half a year and a year ago. After all, the antibodies are most likely not.

What vaccination from COVID-19 is vaccinated in Russia

At this stage, almost everyone is vaccinated by the Vaccine "Satellite V" developed by the center of Gamalei. Vaccination takes place in two stages with an interval of 21 days. Therefore, I had logical, as it seemed to me, questions:
  • What will happen if getting coronavirus after the introduction of the first vaccine, but before the second introduction?
  • What will happen if you do not put the second vaccine within the second stage of vaccination?

A response to the first question at the therapist was not. She said extensively that so far there were no such cases, and repeated this - obviously harvested in advance phrase - every time I tried to hear something more concrete. Honestly, it's unpleasant when doctors do not know the answer to such a question.

In addition to the "satellite V" in Russia there is another vaccine - "Epivakkoron". Read more about it can be read in our material.

However, the answer was fully concrete to the second question. It turns out that if you do not put the second vaccine, the antibodies will be developed in insufficient quantity, and then the entire procedure will have to repeat again. True, it is not very clear what time it can be done again.

How the vaccine "satellite V" is stored

Vaccine "Satellite V" is stored in a frozen form at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius. In each ampoule, a dose designed for 5 people. Therefore, it is starting to defrost it only when the group is recruited. It lasts this process about half an hour, and the staff of the clinic is very worried about the damage of the vaccine. Therefore, with me, a nurse ran into the therapist to the therapist and demanded to take patients faster, because the ampoule is already dropped.

Do you know why the vaccine is called "satellite V"?

How do vaccination from COVID-19

The vaccination process itself is completely common and unacceptable. The forearm is lubricated with alcohol, in a disposable syringe pick up a vaccine, and then rolled. After the administration of the drug we were asked to sit for 20-30 minutes. During this time, it came to me 2 times and they were commemmed. Apparently, doctors still do not themselves understand what can happen, but with me one man asked to go to the Cabinet therapist because of suspicious redness of the hand. What was with him in fact, I do not know.

I got off COVID-19, but I still got a satellite V. I tell what and how 18542_4
Do not hurt the vaccination itself. No unpleasant sensations also arise

I would say that I did not experience anything unusual after the introduction of the vaccine, but as long as I waited for the half an hour, at some point I experienced a sharp rugged heat. The temperature did not rose me, just for a moment it became very hot, as it happens when something is frightened. But I do not think it is connected with the vaccine. Most likely, it was a purely psychological response to what happened. Still, I am a little orobla when I saw a contraindication to vaccination in a memo.

If you want to share your story about vaccination - we are waiting for you in our Telegram chat

Since the introduction of a vaccine in my body, almost a day passed. I do not notice any side effects, although I warned me about possible ailments like headaches, increasing body temperature, chills and lobs in the bones. I admit that something can happen on the second day, but so far everything is fine. I'll keep you informed.

Ivan Kuznetsov, especially for Hi-News.ru

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