The struggle for the temple of St. Peter: Who put an eye on one of the characters of Riga?

The struggle for the temple of St. Peter: Who put an eye on one of the characters of Riga? 1853_1

One of the symbols of Riga is the Church of St. Peter - can find a new owner. A bill on the transfer of the cultural monument of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church (LeBl) is preparing in the Sejm. The President of Latvia Egil Levits intervened, who proposes to create a new model of the temple management - from four legal entities. Why is it for the sign attractions to look for another owner?

Once, even before the Second World War, the church of St. Peter belonged to the German Lutheran community. After in 1939, the Germans left Latvia, he switched to the city. In 1941, after entering the projectile of the fascist artillery, the temple burned, the tower collapsed. Restore the symbol began in the 1960s - on the means of the city, the Republic and the Union. Many cities of the country participated in the reconstruction: metal structures were made in Chelyabinsk, specialists of Leningrad, Minsk ...

In 1973, the new tower with elevator and the observation platform was first discovered for visitors. The lower floors gave under exhibitions and concerts of classical music.

After the 1991, the cultural monument was still under the jurisdiction of the city, which ensured its operation. And the director was Marianna Rudolfovna Ozoliny, who came here in the distant 1973. Attempts to find for the church of the new owner began to be taken since 2007 - then the Seimas prepared a bill on the transfer of its Lutheran community. The fathers of the city were against: a religious community will not be able to financially ensure the operation of the building. In addition, the object was restored at the active participation of Riga.

And here is a new attempt. Already with the connection of the president.

It is noteworthy that in the land book at the cultural monument still does not have a host. Although indeed all these many years it is in the management of the city. Why suddenly it was necessary to look for a new legal owner? And who laid an eye on the object?

"Pros and cons"

A number of architects believe that the temple needs urgent reconstruction. And interferes with the involvement of funds that the issue with property rights is not settled. According to the expert of the Office of the National Cultural Heritage of Latvia, the architect Peteris Blooms, the alarm causes the state of engineering communications, fire safety, elevator. Reconstruction is needed and facade:

- Only in order to replace all windows, you will need at least 100 thousand euros ...

The head of the National Cultural Heritage Department Juris Dambis has already found extreme. According to him, the thing is that in Soviet times the temple stood for a long time without a tower, and the recovery was carried out without the relevant materials and requirements that meet today's day. Ok, yes? The advice was restored - they themselves are to blame for dozens of years ahead to learn about the "materials and requirements that meet today's Day".

- The approval of the Riga Duma, as if the church is in good condition, the myth, - summarizes Mr. Dambis.

Art historian, the former President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Oyars Sparitis agrees that for a decent content of the object, additional funds are needed, and the best output is the transfer of its German Lutheran community, which by law is a direct heir. Especially since the German Bundestag is ready to provide financial support to the restoration of the temple. However, it slows down the affectance with the owner.

The Ministry of Justice of Latvia is categorically opposed to the transfer of the church of the German community. He believes that the owner should be lebl. This is also achieved by the Seimas. The president also addressed the legislators with a letter to create a different management model - "of four large players": states, Riga Duma, LeBl and the German Lutheran community. However, the head of the LeBl Archbishop Janis Vanags is objecting to this approach: Joint ownership is not the best way to control the building ...

Mercenary interests

And yet a dispute attitude that has now flared up with a new force is not only a concern for the state of a cultural monument. The church of St. Peter brings considerable money. According to the State Control, in three years (from 2016 to 2019), revenues from the cultural monument amounted to 3.9 million euros. These funds went on the operation of the temple itself, other objects of the culture of the city - among them DC "Ziemelblash", the Riga Center of Yueghendille ...

In the fact that the search for a new owner for a significant monument of culture is mercenary interests, the former long-term director of the Church of St. Peter Marianna Rudolfovna Ozoliny is not doubted.

- You can return what belonged to you. And the fact that I did not belong to be returned, "she says. - You can give, give. But on what basis? This is an object of culture. The project of its restoration was compiled for the ministry of culture, and not for religious function. Later, in 1991, we were allowed to serve the Lutheran community on Sundays. Why not? "Cult" and "culture" of one root. All spaces enough. But Lutheran confession has a long-term dream to capture the building that they never belonged to them ...

According to Ms. Ozolini, the temple for many centuries was running the city and was the main urban temple. Always belonged to the Riga Magistrate, there was a citizens for money. Riga was tailed for taxes, revived ... The denomination did not participate in this. When everyone was renovated, suddenly she had a hot desire to receive this finished object. And this is not just an object - he also brings good income to the city treasury.

That's where, according to Marianna Ozolini, the dog is buried, the whole thing in banal greed:

- The Church of St. Peter in the eyelids is appointed to serve the city. She carries the light of Riga in all their aspects. And the golden cockerel on the tower spire is the official symbol of the Latvian capital. Riga is proud of this pearl of gothic architecture. This is the place where the soul will brighten up, relax, gain strength to live on. And to take away from people this opportunity, God will not allow ...

With a sick head on a healthy

Wait and see. Obviously one thing is: a lot, where our legislators and the state intervened, the deplorable for cultural monuments ended.

Among the examples are Dunnenstern House, a unique sample of the Northern Baroque in the Architecture of Riga. It is located on the balance of the State Agency of Real Estate and dies in the eyes. But this is the architecture of the late XVII century, the original, and not a copy of the Town Hall type or the house of blackheads.

Wagner's windows and concert hall - the first urban theater associated with the names of Richard Wagner, Ferenz Leaf, Hector Berlioz. He, too, for many years owned by the Ministry of Culture of the LR, which finger on the finger did not hit it for its functioning.

And further. The steering services and today's self-government of the capital are trying to hang all dogs for the state of St. Peter's temple to last Riga Duma. As they say, with a sick head to healthy. But if someone cared for monuments of culture of the city, so this is the Ushakov Duma.

We will call only two beautiful objects that are restored to it: the Palace of Culture "ZielBlash" - Riga Rundar, as it is now called, and the Palace of Culture WEF. And New Estrada in Mezaparka, Latvian theaters? Who reconstructed? Departed Riga Duma ...

Ilya Dimenstein.

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