7 bad habits because of which eyelashes can fall


Increable to rub (or scratch) eyes

To preserve the beauty and health of the cilia, try to get rid of the happiness to constantly scratch or rub your eyes. Especially during the deliverance from makeup. For some reason, many ladies believe that the more intense they will work with a cotton disk, the faster they will remove the remnants of cosmetics and the cleaner will become their skin. Alas, but it is not. According to experts, the more active you will influence the eyelashes, the greater the likelihood that you are injured and lost. Therefore, try to minimize risks and once again not to touch your eyes.

Use inappropriate cosmetics

Inappropriate cosmetics can cause allergic reactions, redness (or peeling) eyes, swelling of the eyelids, itching and other troubles that deliver discomfort. As a result, you can not only stay without eyelashes, but also harm your health. Therefore, if during the use of one or another product you noticed some pronounced symptoms, then I immediately postpone it and replaced the means that you will do more. Perhaps you are allergic to some component, so you need to choose products marked "hypoallergenically", or you just got a poor-quality product that is generally dangerous.

Make a waterproof

The waterproof mascara is good only in special cases when you need to look perfect and there is no time to straighten makeup. But for everyday use it is better to choose a conventional mascara - it does not act so much on the cilia and allows them to breathe (as a result, they do not become too fragile and sensitive). In addition, the waterproof mascara contains a special chemical formula, which is also unsafe for your eyes (so try to reduce the use of this product to a minimum).

Overload the eyelashes of mascara

More - does not mean better! This principle works here. If you think that a large number of carcasses will help you to find an expressive sexy look, then you are mistaken. According to experts, due to the excessive amount of decorative equipment, the eyelashes stop breathing, become thin and weak and faster break. In addition, this season in trend is naturalness, so one or two layers will be enough to emphasize the beauty of your eyes.

Photo: KoolShooters / Pexels
Photo: KoolShooters / Pexels Traumaging Eyelashes Curl Tongs

Experts warned from the habit of ticking the cilia after you hit them a layer (or even one) carcass. If you want to achieve sexual bending, first neatly the waters of the eyelashes by forceps, but only then look at their mascara (but not the opposite). Because of the hardened parties, the cilia masses become fragile and can break as a result of active mechanical manipulations.

Go to sleep in makeup

Regardless of how much you are tired after a working day, take themselves as a rule, be sure to rinse cosmetics before going to bed. No matter how hard you, try to find strength and time to remove makeup, otherwise it can lead to various inflammatory processes, rash, injury to cilia and premature aging. And in order to reduce the risk of damage to the eyelashes to a minimum, pressing special means to remove makeup and try not to rub intensively eyes hoping faster to get rid of cosmetics. Better theft is a bit of money on cotton wheels, close your eyes, press drives to centuries and leave for a while. The tool is soft and delicately softening the mascara, as well as remove the shadows, eyeliner, pencil and other beauty makeup products.

Overdo it with increasing or overhead eyelashes

There is nothing wrong with trying to give your view expressiveness using overhead or extensive eyelashes. But in the first case, they need to learn to remove correctly, otherwise ... one awesome movement of the hand, and along with the overheads, your real cilia can be snewed. So that this does not happen, learning carefully to the instruction and remove the makeup with light leisure movements. But in the second case, it is necessary to carefully choose the masters, focusing not only on the laudatory reviews in social networks (which, alas, are often biased), but also for real work and comments (perhaps you will be able to find your person on recommendations or at least chat with Someone who has already done this masters to build up and can show you the result of his work). Otherwise, there is a risk of running on charlatan and not only stay without eyelash, but also to get much more serious health problems.

Photo: Vinícius estevão / Pexels

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