Radical actions of Vladimir Zelensky to the media address can provoke impeachment


Radical actions of Vladimir Zelensky to the media address can provoke impeachment 18504_1
Radical actions of Vladimir Zelensky to the media address can provoke impeachment

Vladimir Zelensky decided to introduce hard sanctions against television channels owned by opposition representatives. Zelensky intends to prohibit the operation of TV channels "112.Ukrain", Zik, Newsone.

Previously, the Security Council of Ukraine decided to close the named channels. Interestingly, they have a single owner - Taras Kozak, which is the main assistant leader of the opposition Ukrainian party "Opposition Platform - for the Life" of Viktor Medvedchuk.

A package of sanctions provides for the deprivation of license channels and blocking their accounts, banning broadcasts by television programs for up to five years. The sanctions will affect both the TV channels and the Kozak personally. All these sanctions lead to a completely natural outcome: channels will no longer be able to carry out their activities.

In addition, the property of the Kozak and Medvedchuk also falls under the action - personal aircraft, which, bypassing Ukrainian requirements, often crossed the border with Russia.

Daniel Hetmans, who heads the Rada Committee on Financial Affairs, Tax and Customs Policy, noted that such pressure on the media belonging to the opposition is a very strange and unreasonable phenomenon.

The Union of Journalists of Ukraine together with the European Federation of journalists expressed that such measures from the state limit the freedom of speech in the country.

Zelensky motivated sanctions by the fact that the TV channels finance "aggressors" (including Moscow), there are active anti-government propaganda on them, calls for war, racial and national retail, are progressing, the point of view of Russia is promoted.

The decision of the President of Ukraine looks completely politically motivated.

It is noteworthy that the rating of Zelensky rapidly falls. He was elected to position in 2019, when his rating was 74%. Already in 2020, he fell to 27%, and at the moment and at the moment is not more than 22%, according to the Kiev International Institute of Sociology.

Now Vladimir Zelensky's policies so strongly indignant the opposition that the question of impeachment does not seem to be contrived.

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