What are the Russian celebrities in their free time?

What are the Russian celebrities in their free time? 18493_1
Mops House Daria Dontsova Photo: Gubdaily.ru

Each person has a passion or a favorite activity that brings joy and inspiration. Celebrities - no exception. Despite the dense charts, a huge number of filming, constant drives, they find time for a hobby.

Darya Dontsova

The famous writer collects everything connected with pugs.

In the collection of Darya Arkadyevna, a lot of figures, figurines, christmas decorations, magnetics, picturesque paintings with a favorite dog breed. Now their number passed for several thousand, and at the entrance to the house Dtzova hangs the plate on which the hostess notifies that you go to the "Pug House"!

Tatiana Navka.

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Tatiana Navka Photo: instagram.com

Olympic champion in figure skating is fond of yoga. Tatiana leads a healthy lifestyle, itifies correctly and the opinions that do not need to regret the time to improve the body.

The figure skater admitted that he likes to experiment and during training combines yoga and strength loads. "In yoga, any methods are beautiful! The main thing is the result! " - she believes.

Natalia Antonova

The star of the series "Breathe with me", "there would be no happiness" and others love to cook in their free time. The actress is often divided into his blog recipes, which are characterized by simplicity and originality. Among them, you can highlight the cake from Halva, the cheesecake with cottage cheese, carrot cake and so on.

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Natalia Antonova with Apple Pie Photo: Ya-zhenschina.com

Maria Golubanka

Maria Golubkin has been professionally engaged in equestrian sports for more than 20 years. This sport actress was fascinated in childhood. Despite the ban of parents, being a young girl, was recorded on classes in the equestrian club.

Maria is a winner and a medalist of many trimming competitions and the owner of a horse at nicknames Ural. A few years ago she left Sport and completely devoted himself acting, but the horses still occupy a special place in her heart.

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Maria Golubanka Photo: uhd.name

Ekaterina Kopanova

The actress loves to embed a cross. She was still addicted to this by a schoolgirl. And still exploring English in a specialized school. Dogs twice a week, there is homework between the filming.

According to the actresses, English is an important component of good education. That is why her children, following the example of the mother, are actively learning foreign languages. After all, in our time it is a need and a great opportunity for the development of a child as a person in the future.

In the future, the star is not going to stop at what has been achieved, but plans to take on the study of Spanish and German.

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Catherine Copanova With Embroidered Pattern Photo: Instagram.com

Undoubtedly, work occupies an important place in a person's life. But despite this, it is important to have a hobby that will allow to diversify life and bring a piece of joy. Favorite passion gives us the opportunity to work fruitfully, gives positive emotions, paints the world in the brightest paints.

Author - Regina Mughametshina

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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