"Including by remote access." The Law "On Operational-Search Activities" made changes


Belarus adopted amendments to the law "On operational-search activities". Some changes are "cosmetic" character, others look more significant. However, without comments and explanations of some formulations, we do not even take about it. Therefore, just point to moments, especially attracting attention.

In particular, article 26 "Operational List" is expanded. In the last editor, it sounded like this:

"Operational inspection is a survey of the dwelling and other legal ownership of a citizen, premises, buildings, structures, vehicles, other facilities and the territory of the organization, the area of ​​the area in order to obtain the information necessary to fulfill the tasks of operational-search activities."

In the new edition, the article is expanded. Below is an excerpt from the article.

"Operational inspection is a survey of the dwelling and other legal ownership of a citizen, premises, buildings, facilities, a vehicle, a different facility and the territory of the organization, the area of ​​the terrain, as well as the study of information systems, information resources, subjects and documents, computer information, including, including By remote access, in order to obtain information necessary for the tasks of operational-search activities. "

Now it refers to "Information Systems, Information Resources, Items and Documents, Computer Information", and also mentioned "Inspection ... by remote access". What kind of form "remote access" is organized, is not specified.

In addition, changes are made to Article 31 "Control in Telecommunication Networks". According to the document, the process of "control" is simplified in cases where the object of interest enjoys not associated with it means of communication (telephone, electric machine, address, etc.).

In particular, it sounds "in the event that not specified in the ruling .... (communication tools, addresses. - Approx. Onliner) Officer ... Conducts this operational and search event for the established identifier (apparently, with which the object of interest is related. - Approx. Onliner) for this citizen without making a new decision on conducting the operational -Casual event. "

In addition to the changes mentioned, there are others. You can compare the editions by reference: pravo.by (changes) and KGB (before making changes).

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