Elizabeth Blunt - Henry Favorite Viii Tudor with Angelic appearance


Elizabeth Blound, known as Bessie Blunt, was the favorite of King Henry VIII, from which the Son gave birth to Henry Fitzroy. The novel with the monarch lasted only four years, but it was a considerable term for the loving English king. Elizabeth was a beautiful woman with an angel appearance - blond hair and eyes of heavenly color.

Despite the fact that Bessie became the mistress of the king (he dreamed about many of her contemporaries), her life cannot be called simple and cloudless. There was a lot of noble and beautiful men around her, but she gave her own heart to the monarch. What is noteworthy, Bastard Henry, Born Elizabeth, was the only out-of-grateful child, whom Heinrich VIII admitted his own. Undoubtedly, he believed his favorite. How did Bessie conquer the heart of the king? And why did an affair with him be so short?

Youth Elizabeth Blunt

The exact date of the birth of Elizabeth Blunt is unknown. It is likely that it appeared in 1498 or 1500 in the family estate located in the kinlet. In addition to Bessie, her parents were engaged in raising ten more children.

However, the material problems did not feel the family of blades. Mother Elizabeth, Catherine Plesel, served Freillan with the Wales princess, who was in history as Ekaterina Aragon. Girl's father, John Blunt, was a relative of the chamber of the princess.

Such valuable related links helped to arrange and the fate of Elizabeth. In 1513, on the protection of his uncle, the girl entered the Speat of Ekaterina Aragon. Not every noble girl could be honored to honor to become a face close to the particular royal blood.

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Elizabeth Blunt (fragment from the TV series "Tudora")

First of all, attention paid to appearance and manners. Unfortunately, portraits of Bessess Bully preserved, but contemporaries in one voice said that she was distinguished by an extraordinary, enchanting beauty. In the chronicles of that time, it is indicated that Elizabeth was "the girl, which in singing, dance and in all other births of leisure surpassed everyone else."

Kapellan Lord Rocheford, John Barlow, noted that Elizabeth was much more beautiful than Anna Boleyn, who became the wife of Henry VIII, and Anna was considered one of the most beautiful women of England. The mind and talents, to which the adorable appearance was added, soon attracted the attention of King Heinrich VIII, which was known as one of the most loving English monarchs.

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Daniel McLiz "The first meeting of Heinrich VIII with Anna Bolein"

Romance Masquerad

But how did Besiese meet with the king? If you believe the message of the monarch, Charles Brandon, listed in letters, Elizabeth and Heinrich VIII crossed on the Christmas masquerade, which was arranged annually in the palace.

According to the design of the director, Blunt and three court beauties depicted the "ladies from Savoy", which brave knights rescued. As you could guess, Bessie's brave "Savior" turned out to be Henry VIII himself, which loved this kind of entertaining performances. In the future, the whole evening Elizabeth danced only with the king.

Mutual interest Soon the survey in a love relationship. The novel began in 1514 and, as biographers suggest, lasted about four years. What is noteworthy, the king himself did not call Bessie his official favorite and did not focus on his relationship with this woman. However, the wise of Elizabeth and herself did not require anything superfluous. She was quite pleased with those privileges that gave her the status of a monarch's mistress.

Birth of a son

In the fall of 1518, Heinrich VIII, having learned about the pregnancy of his favorite, ordered Cardinal Tomas Wali to transport it to the Monastery of St. Lawrence, located in Essex County. I think, and this time the monarch did not want to advertise his relationship with the Blunt, because then the whole yard discussed the rapid birth of bastards.

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Heinrich VIII.

In the summer of 1519, Elizabeth son, Henry appeared. Despite the previous stealth, Heinrich recognized the child to his child, giving him the surname of Fitzroy, the owners of which were the extramarital children of monarchs. In 1525, a solemn ceremony was held, at which Henry was granted the title of Duke Richmond and Somerset.

Of course, the king had other offspring, but he did not recognize anyone except Henry. The ratio of Heinrich VIII to his son was really special. Moreover, his legitimate spouse, Ekaterina Aragon, could not give birth to the heir, and therefore the people rumored that the king on the throne will change Bastard.

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Henry Fitzroy, the extramarital son of Henry VIII and Elizabeth Blunt

Life outside the yard

However, the birth of a child did not strengthen the relations of the monarch with his favorite. Despite the informal title of "Mother of the Royal Son", Elizabeth understood that Heinrich VIII cooled to her. By his order, Thomas Walkey found a suitable batch for Bessiss. By decision of the king, Elizabeth married Gilbert Telboys, in marriage with which she had three children.

It is unlikely that Elizabeth loved his spouse, but submissively took his fate, allowing the king to manage his destiny. In addition, Henry VIII himself did not forget about the former beloved. After the death of Svetra, he handed over to her lifelong possession of a significant part of the estates, making the owner of a huge state. The death of her husband in 1530 did not strike for Elizabeth.

At the same time, Lord Leonard Gray and Court Edward Clinton were launched. She chose the second. What is noteworthy Clinton was for fourteen years younger than Bessie. Contemporaries also argued that over the years she not only gained a state, but also managed not to lose the former charm.

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Elizabeth Blunt. Fragment from the TV series "Tudora"

After spending a lot of years away from the courtyard, Elizabeth returned to luxury and brilliance, becoming a Freillana Queen. Alas, the service lasted quite shortly due to health problems. Bessie Blound was forced to retire in his estate, where she died in June 1541.

Elizabeth Blunt is one of those bright personalities that attract attention to the royal dynasty, which ruled in England in those times. In our time, the popularity has acquired the series "Tudora" dedicated to Henni VIII, his ancestors and descendants. There are in it and Bessess Bulount, which a number of episodes are devoted to the assumption of very rude historical inaccuracies.

In fact, Elizabeth is difficult to call only an "episodic" person in the life of the English king. Despite the fact that his feelings were faded, he did not forget about her until the very end of the life of the favorite.

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