How to spend the garden crop in winter


    Good afternoon, my reader. In winter, trees and shrubs need molding. Just fall leaves, and you can appreciate the form of the entire crown. But how to trim?

    How to spend the garden crop in winter 18480_1
    How to spend the garden trimming in winter

    Trimming trees (photo used by standard license ©

    Trim need:
    • Seed plants (pears, apples, etc.);
    • bone (cherries, plums, cherries);
    • Some nuts (lame, hazelnut, sometimes - walnut, etc.);
    • Shrubs (barberries, raspberries, etc.).

    It is necessary to trim in the winter of those plants that are already fruiting or at least enough mature. The seedlings of the first year do not touch.

    Crop plants needed when the weather:

    • dry;
    • clear;
    • windless;
    • In winter warm (i.e. above -10 ° C: otherwise, the War is too quickly free, and the wood becomes excessively fragile and breaks under a saw or suchkore).

    Cutting fruit trees, you need to be guided by the following rules:
    1. Find those branches that are not needed. These include dry, sick and broken, regardless of where exactly they grow, if they dried, the gardener should remove even skeletal branches. Also completely destroyed the pigs from the roots, which appeared in the rolling collar. The only exception is cherries and plums: if you plan to spread them in the spring, then the strongest "siblings" must be left alone until spring when you pass the root and offer them to a new place.
    2. All that grows inside the crown or vertically up ("wen" or "wolf").
    3. Thick plots thin to ensure better ventilation and illumination of the crown. However, the trimming is subject to no more than a quarter of the total increase: if you rearrange, in the spring of sleeping kidneys, the shoots-steppes will be driving, which the gardener does not need for nothing.
    4. Last year's shoots shorten on the kidney, making a split on a third of the tip. Then in the spring, new fruit shoots will begin to grow, and the tree itself will have the right form.
    5. Young shoots of this year do not touch at all if they are not directed inside the crown or vertically up. You can also delete those that grow on the strain too close to the skeletal structure of the branches.
    6. The largest branches at once do not cut off. First they are cut by one third, and then the residue is removed to the remaining part of the next winter. If removal is required in case of increasingly, the branch is growing rapidly, you can still remove some of the summer.
    7. The detected masonry of eggs and caterpillars, colonies of fungi, as well as winter pests are removed using a rigid metal brush, coarse tissue, and if the branch is small - then the full trimming. So it is possible to seriously make life insect-parasites in spring and summer.
    8. In winter, the tool should also be disinfected with alcohol and diluted in half vodka.

    Conducting, you must remember the following:

    • Young plants in winter trimming are not subjected. If it is very necessary - they are cut at the end of winter before the awakening of the kidneys. The fact is that cuts quickly frozen.
    • It is necessary to work as much as possible sharpened tool. A stupid blade does not cut, but the wood.
    • If winter is too frosty, pruning is beginning not before February.
    • If the garden is in the warm region, the winter trim starts immediately as only plants fall into the state of winter peace. So it is possible to reduce the likelihood of transmission of diseases and pests.

    Observe these rules, and plants will delight you with plentiful flowering and good harvest in the summer.

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