Follows of years old: What to do when the word "spins in the language"

Follows of years old: What to do when the word
The founder of the Ness Labs Ann-Laura Le Kanf talks about a universal phenomenon associated with memory, and why it does not need to deal with him

"Wait, I swear, I know it! - You say you. - Give me a second, the word is spinning in the language ... begins on k? Or on c? " You feel that we are about to remember, but for some reason it fails. This phenomenon, when something "spinning in the language" is also known as "Lettering". Why is this happening?

Lettering is unpleasant, but useful

Studies have shown that this phenomenon is universal, and in most languages ​​is used by the same metaphor to describe this sensation. 90% of the inhabitants of the planet speaking different languages ​​are recognized that they are faced with this phenomenon when it seems to them that at this particular moment they cannot remember something. The phenomenon is universal and from the point of view of age: referee suffer both young and older people. But bilingual people, as it turned out, is most often faced with it, when they speak less dominant language.

According to the psychologists of Bennett Schwarz and Janet Metcalf, the yearsology can be viewed as a meticient process, which signals that the person has difficulties with the remembrance - in contrast to its complete absence. Sometimes it is obvious that you just do not know the answer to the question. But when you feel that something is spinning in the language, Mind says: We should know it.

Thus, the yearsology can play an adaptive role in the formation of memory and the learning process. If you are constantly trying to remember a specific word, it is a sign that information is not saved in memory properly. Some researchers believe that these difficulties may be associated with implicit learning when we learn information by chance, not realizing that they took it. So, what should be done by facing yearsologic?

How to manage a condition when the memory "is spinning in the language"

Many people are trying to fight this, thinking that then they will better remember the information for the future. However, it is possible to do so it should not.

Cognitive psychologist Karin Humphris from the University of McMaster in Canada studies the phenomenon "spinning in the language." She conducted a study in which volunteers showed questions and asked to note whether they know the answer, do not know or it is spinning in the language. People had ten or thirty seconds to choose the word before they showed the answer. Two days later, the experiment spent again.

The results were amazing: "The longer they remained in a state" spinning in the language "on the first day, the more often they uttered" spinning in the language "at the same time on the second day, - says Humphrey. - An extra time that people spend, trying to endure a word from memory, researchers call erroneous training. Instead of remembering the correct word, people focus on the error. "

An erroneous training is a concept with which many sports trainers are familiar: when players are practically trained, then they actually learn to make mistakes. Music teachers sometimes pay attention to students who claim to be diligently engaged, but, no matter how paradoxically, it only becomes worse over time. This is because athletes or musicians continue to repeat the same errors instead of using targeted practice. "It seems that it is easy to determine the correct answer is not enough to overcome erroneous behavior. It is critical to consciously appreciate why the previous answer was wrong, and get immediate feedback, "he writes Humphrey.

Its research and recommendations are essential for learning and education. The next time you test the status "Spinning in Language", do not attempt to extract information from memory. Instead, just find the correct answer. Then repeat it several times or record it to facilitate memorization. So you will learn the correct word, and do not spend time and effort on erroneous training.

And if you test the litas because of the information that does not really have values ​​for you, just leave everything as it is. Our memory is far from perfection, but most of its deficiencies are related to the selection of the most useful information.

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