Nizhny Novgorod GAI will continue to implement the interdepartmental project "Territory of Childhood"

Nizhny Novgorod GAI will continue to implement the interdepartmental project

The Nizhny Novgorod traffic police in 2021 will continue to implement an interdepartmental project to protect the rights of family and children's territory of childhood, which started on the territory of the region on June 1, 2020, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the region reports.

In except traffic police, the prosecutor's office of the region, the executive authorities of the region, the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigation Committee, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSSP and the FSIN, authorized to protect the rights of the child in the Nizhny Novgorod region are prescribed.

In 2020, regional traffic police preventive measures and activities aimed at preventing road accidents involving children were conducted within the project. There were such iconic events as: "Winter holidays", "Week of Security", "Light" and I.P. The events had public support and covered in the media. Including to prevent accidents involving children, traffic police officers visited kindergartens and schools in which preventive conversations with children and parents held preventive conversations. Taking into account the restrictive measures taken in connection with the spread of a new coronavirus infection, the events were mainly carried out in remote form.

So, in order to create a secure environment for minors, together with the apparatus of the Commissioner for the Rights of the child, from January, a socio-significant event "Safely Gorka" is held, within which each resident of the region can report to the traffic police and to the Office of the Commissioner for Unauthorized Gorki, the exit to Cargo part.

In addition, within the framework of the Traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod Region organizes:

  • Various preventive promotions and activities aimed at preventing and preventing safe behavior on the road of juvenile,
  • Events to involve children and adolescents in various activities (educational, cognitive and leisure),
  • Eliminating the threat to the life and health of children of factors in the territory of public spaces and mass stay.
  • Preventive work in pre-school and general education organizations, leisure centers in order to teach children road safety rules (open lessons, competitions and other activities).

Citizens will be able to learn about the conduct of socio-preventive measures to learn in the group "VKontakte" and YouTube "407th in touch", as well as on the GU website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

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