Week of hacking: Astroprognosis on the last days of March

Week of hacking: Astroprognosis on the last days of March 18444_1

The upcoming week will be glorious by intellectual terror, as well as increased aggressiveness and inadequacy of others. A large thrust for disputes, speech battles and protests will be shown. Sarcasm, rough statements, rapid phrases will jump off the lips.

Week can bring various hacks: social networks and databases. In principle, the communications sphere will be at risk. We can expect technical failures and glitches of many services, navigation, electronics in the car. Frams of plans, especially on trips, as well as robs on board the aircraft - all this can be now. Well, scammers, where without them, are more often activated at this time.

Dialogues with foreign partners and foreigners can be very complex and ambiguous. As they say, who as calls for, he is called ... Something similar will also be observed all week.

Inadequate, spring exacerbation sponsors are generally difficult to predict. Yesterday, good family man, today Jack Ripper. It is better at all the quarrels with no one to avoid and conflict. Especially on the basis of love, money, pleasures. Refuse today in raising the salary of the modest electrician Valera, is fraught with the fact that it will plant you inadvertently on an electric chair. Remind your neighbor that his fence is 10 cm on your site ... Wait, remind in May. Who knows, maybe he has a saiga at home.

Creative Drive is still with us. And this week - especially powerful, especially strongly on Thursday and Friday. Flight fantasies guaranteed. You can shoot bright, unique, extraordinary. However, in matters of love may be checks.

And the moon grows and be in the juice. On a growing moon, you can start trembling tomatoes. Especially if the seeds you bought abroad or it is some kind of new selection. Gardening experiments, in general, very in the subject.

On Sunday, the moon will delight us with its fullness. And so it happened that this is in principle the best day in the week. True, insomnia can overcome, as emotional overexcitation.

March 22, unfavorable

Today, all jokes about Monday - faithful. Very complicated emotional state. Storms so that dust in the eyes. Emotional dust, through which the mind is not visible. But nevertheless, the day is suitable for action, requiring applications of tremendous effort, for example, for sports. As well as for cleansing and destruction. For example, to remove the tooth. Not bad for ingenious technical minds and various scientific developments. Problems may occur when moving through the air.

March 23, unfavorable

Particularly unfavorable to 15.37 in Novosibirsk. Although dust scattered, the mind cleared, but the day is empty for undertakings. And the aspect of verbal duels is particularly strong today. In principle, not yet anything unfavorable happened. And if it happens, it will be connected with nature. Today it is good to do the cleansing of the body, keep a diet or go to the doctor.

March 24, favorable

Favorable with reservation. Today I want the warmth of spiritual, warm borscht and the jerking cat under the side. So that the house is a complete bowl. Heat, comfortable, safe. Emotionic, caring and responsibility towards their neighbor appears. But the language of the tongue today reaches a peak, and all the gadgets of the world decided to break or give a failure today. In addition, to achieve notorious comfort and security today is quite difficult. As if there is a hole in the wall at home and there constantly blows. And it causes oppression and depression. Dissatisfaction with the environment and especially the state, the feeling of pressure of restrictions and obligations. Positively do homemade, pets, real estate, shopping. Creativity, especially drawing, as well as romantic, entertainment, easy shopping will help unload depression.

March 25, unfavorable

Today, stiffness and incredulusity, closure and closure - the prevailing energy of the day. As well as cunning, exemption and manipulativity. It seems that everyone around gather us to immediately betray. There are insults that poison the soul and heart. But the cheating today can really be, like poisoning. The day is suitable for working with chemicals, for legal and tax affairs.

March 26, unfavorable

And again a difficult day. Today it is manifested and towering the ego and especially important becomes its own place under the sun. Impulsiveness, rigidity, intransigence and principle manifest. The mind can be overloaded with information, a lot of communication, empty conversations, gossip. It will be difficult on trips and communications. Today, verbal battles are still soulful. Today it is better not to take anything important at all.

March 27, unfavorable

Empty for early day, but the mood is festive and requiring the continuation of the banquet. I want to lie on the deck chair, drink a cocktail or go on a classroom party. May be lazy to manifest. Today it is difficult to do something without inner to the desire. The mind is still overloaded with information, today it is very affected by the opinion of others about you, a large orientation of the fashion and style. Things to do? Best option, relax.

March 28, favorable

Super day in which you can all. We are becoming more practical, responsible and oriented in touch and relationships. Today you can get benefit through any kind of relationships. Good day for business and administrative work, as well as for making marriage. It is a pity that on Sundays the registry office does not work.

Forecast prepared Master Jyotish Katyatini Devi Dasi

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