Will people ever travel through the wormholes?


Two separate studies have recently been published, which offer new theories of constructing wormworms. Wormworms, better known as mobbo holes or a scientific bridge Einstein-Rosen - a frequent attribute of science fiction, with which the main characters are quickly moved between the remote parts of the universe. In Marvel films, for example, God Tor travels to Asgard with the help of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, which, by the way, is quite beautifully shown, especially in the third part of the Saga about the mighty son of Odin. Well, before the science science writers, they rely on wormworms as an important plot admission for quite a long time, which is completely not surprising. Well, how else to move the hero from the point and to the point b in seconds?

Will people ever travel through the wormholes? 18418_1
The results of new studies show that the passable wormworms can be something big than science fiction stories.

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Physico-theorists, such as Albert Einstein and Kip Thorn, reflected on the existence of these spatial-temporal portals for decades, but still no one could provide physical evidence of their existence. Two new studies, however, published in the magazine Physical Review Letters D suggest that wormworms are quite safe for people can exist in the real world.

One of the main arguments against the existence of wormochin suggests that the narrowest part of the portal, or the neck, most likely collapses under the severity of its own gravity. Some theorists argue that one of the ways to bypass this problem and prevent the gravitational collapse - fill the worm of the exotic form of matter with a negative mass. But this decision, alas, purely theoretical.

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Mobboral holes may allow mankind to fight outer space.

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In the first study, the international team of scientists led by José Blaszes-Salcedo from Madrid University offered an alternative way to prevent collapse of fragile hergwood neck - one that does not need exotic matter to keep the worm of open.

Instead, their theoretical models based on reflections on the possibilities of microscopic wormworms are based on three theories in order to use the force of elementary particles: the theory of relativity, quantum theory and electrodynamics.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge is an impassable meal Nora. She received his name in honor of Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen, who for the first time offered this idea in 1935.

The authors of the new study suggest that changing the mass and charge of fermions - the fundamental building blocks of matter - can keep the space way open. However, this will work only if the ratio of the total charge of fermions to the total weight of everything is in the wormwort, there will be more practical limit set earlier with black holes.

Will people ever travel through the wormholes? 18418_3
Tunnels in time and space can really exist.

But there are catching: the authors of scientific work talk about microscopic wormworms. They are not completely passable for people, but this is definitely an important small step in the new theoretical direction, Popular Mechanics writes.

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How to build wormwort?

Second work belongs to Physicists from Princeton University and the Institute for promising research in New Jersey. They were interested in the theoretical existence of wormworchin, large enough, so that people traveling in space could pass through them.

In this case, physicists have developed a wormwort, which is formed in five-dimensional space-time. This model is also known as the Randalla Sandrum model. As an unprepared observer, such worms will seem like black holes of medium mass. The authors, however, recognize some practical limitations of this theory. For example, wormochin must be extremely clean - that is, free from wandering particles:

Will people ever travel through the wormholes? 18418_4
Wormworms are short paths in space-time, popular with science fiction authors and film directories. They have never seen, but, according to the general theory of Einstein's relativity, they can exist.

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However, in this case, there is a small problem associated with the actual creation of wormwort. It is not possible to solve its authors of the second study and right now work on how these objects can be formed.

Researchers also note that theoretically intergalactic journey through mole rules will take no more than a second. But if your family and friends are watching your travel from outside the worms, it will have to wait for a long time. From their point of view, your journey will last tens of thousands of years. So the road home seems to have to look for yourself.

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