RF congratulated NATO Merry Christmas SU-57 fighters


In the West, they believed that the plane would start to enter the WCS regiments only in the coming year.

The fact that Russia presented NATO unpleasant Christmas surprise writes several Russian Internet publications at once. According to journalists, it was the "surprise" named Western media by the transfer of the VCS of Russia of the first serial fighter of the fifth generation SU-57. Despite the fact that this event was repeatedly announced by many Russian officials, in the West, they believed that the plane would begin to enter the WCS regiments only in the coming year. That is why the fact of the transfer of a serial aircraft in the CVC of the Russian Federation on December 25, 2020 was called discouraging NATO.

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As the media write, Western journalists have already suggested that now Russia will surely want to test the newest aircraft against the American F-35. Of course, the results of such a meeting of the aircraft would be extremely interesting to the whole world, but about where, in their opinion, and under what circumstances this test could really occur journalists silent.

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In the publication on this topic, Russian media refer to their Western colleagues, but do not lead any examples, the names of foreign authors or references to foreign editions. Note that the so-called "surprise for NATO", which allegedly suddenly presented the only SU-57, causes very big doubts. The fact that the aircraft work is underway, and the car passes test flights, as well as that sooner or later, the plane will begin to enter the troops, it was well known for a long time.

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Of course, the appearance of in service with Russia of any kind of new techniques causes an anxiety from the North Atlantic Alliance and the United States, but is it so much afraid of the only serial SU-57? Most likely, the West worried about the timeline, in which Russia will be able to deploy a wide release of these aircraft, and the rate of arrival of the SU-57 in the Park of VKS. In addition, the main headache for NATO is not so much the fighter itself, how much the possibility of its weapon. There is no accurate answer to this very important and serious question. There are only assumptions, including that Russia can arm your plane with hypersonic weapons.

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Su-57 is the newest fighter fifth generation. The aircraft is built using low-cost technology and will carry various weapons on board, including the one that has been developed specifically for him. Most of the aircraft information is Gostaya.

Earlier it was reported that the United States suffered a mass production of F-35 fighters indefinitely.

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