12 types of neighbors who bring to our life ton of pepper and a pinch of madness


Noisy and very smelling, not moderately active and eternally missing - what only the neighbors are not on white light. All of them live according to their own rules, to understand who are difficult to other people, but to put up with it. In the end, it raises humility in each of us and develops a sense of humor, because it is impossible to be angry with those who live behind the wall.

We are in ADME.ru are sure that the neighbors are difficult to forget for any other reasons, each of our readers have been. And they decided to perpetuate in the illustrations the types of residents of high-rise buildings, which produced a truly indelible impression on us.

1. Amateur perfume

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Even the usual trip to the elevator can turn into a long journey, if you "lucky enough to get into this closed space with a fans of a resistant perfume. Some smells are so individual that, probably, only true connoisseurs can understand all their charm. Everyone else has to be inhaled on the site and exhale on the street.

2. Chat activist

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The development of modern technologies gave us not only all the delights of communication, but also its shortcomings. In each chat, even a general friend (which is created to discuss the pressing problems of a particular high-rise building), there will always be at least one person that thirsty do everything well. He is not tired and at any time of the day and night ready to post the charming pictures with kittens, congratulations on the first snow and postcards to all holidays. Dushka, and only!

3. Young dating

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When a musically gifted child lives behind the wall, the neighbors are not boring. They want it or not, together with a young genius study gamma, followed by its success and sincerely rejoice at the end of classes.

4. Amateur chat

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Not moderately sociable neighbors are usually found at the moment when you absolutely do not want to talk. Whether it is a grandmother in the elevator who wants to learn everything about your family in 15 floors, or a friend who went for salt and stuck for 2 hours, from such obsessive friendship it is extremely difficult to turn. Therefore, you have to listen to the latest news and respond to tactless questions with a polite smile on your face.

5. Unrecognized singer

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If in a person living behind the wall, Montserrat Caballe or Grigory Leps suddenly woke up, then peace and silence will only dream. Old haslers and new hits you will hear in any room in the free version of the naked neighbor. It remains to hope only that your musical tastes coincide.


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The common tambour in which the inhabitants of the apartments love to put large-sized things, much talks about life and hobbies of neighbors. The owners of country sites leave excess harvest here, cyclists - their transport, and young parents - strollers and begging. Sometimes it is possible to laugh between these deposits of very necessary things.

7. Eternally missing dog

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If your neighbors have a dog, and the owners themselves are busy and ever working, listening to spiritual torments of the tailed pet will be the whole entrance. Many animals sincerely miss their man, Identify infinite songs about it, full longing, and booming to the noise of the elevator who came to the floor.

8. Night viewer

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Each resident has a high-rise building its rhythm of life: when some sweet snot in beds, others only come from work or, on the contrary, are going to her. Of course, your favorite music or an interesting movie included on the full volume helps someone who is forced to wake up at night, break out of the embrace of Morpheus. But all the neighbors who are doomed to listen to songs or cyinodias through the wall, just wanted to sleep.

9. Zozhennik

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To lead a healthy lifestyle and pay time to physical exertion at home, it is possible to be a little. Unfortunately, apartment buildings with thin overlaps and almost with cardboard walls can not always make traction of people to active sport. Jump and jumping on the heads of the neighbors is not very polite, even if it is done not for the sake of palaughte, but in good use.

10. Neighbor with a drill

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Sooner or later, everyone makes repairs, and this is normal. But in almost every home there is at least one neighbor, which years does not part with the hammer, a drill and a perforator. It is especially happily to hear that he again took up the tools, at 7 am on Sunday or, for example, January 1. He is once painted and rest. Repair will not do myself.

11. Seven on the beings

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Rast the children - the task is not from the lungs, especially when there are many of them, but there are few places. Baby love to jump, scream, they constantly drop something or extract fresh sounds from the battery due to age and curiosity. The main thing about this issue is upbringing, and then even 7 kids can become the most wonderful neighbors.

12. Loud lovers

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There is a certain category of people who do not know how to show feelings of Tet-A-Tet: their temperament requires a concert with the audience. Of course, it is better to listen to loud recognition in love and serenade under windows than night scandals with beating dishes, but sometimes you just want silence. Although such neighbors are confident that this is a banal envy.

What type of neighbors is in your home? Perhaps you have special, not yet studied views?

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