I caught myself to make seeds in the shell: I get a high germination and save the budget


I really like seeds in the shell, but I am afraid to buy them in the store. Because of the too beautiful appearance and bright color, I doubt the naturalness, and the prices bite. I will tell you how easy and quickly can be made absolutely the same dragee at home.

I caught myself to make seeds in the shell: I get a high germination and save the budget 1839_1

For several years now I have to share the seeds of parsley, carrots, lettuce, petunia, sorrel, Luca Batuna. I do the same with the seeds of radish, pepper, eggplants, tomatoes and radish.

Plants grow stronger than when sowing ordinary seeds. It is not surprising, because they get food from the shell, which we have done for them. An additional nutrient medium can be created if adding a granule of integrated fertilizer can be added. Then the effect will be even more powerful.

Shoots that grew up from such a capsule is not terrible most of the pests. They practically do not hurt and much less suffer from frost or drought. And for such cultures, like sorrel and onions, it is not necessary to ram land.

But seeds in the shell there are cons. For example, they cannot be kept for a long time, so you need to drive exactly so many seeds as you need for landing. And to conduct this procedure no earlier than two or three months before sowing.

Too dense shell overlaps air access to seed. Another nuance - after the conclusion of seeds into the shell, they need to completely dry, otherwise the moisture can provoke premature germination.

If you bought ready-made granular seeds, they need to be used in the same year, as they will most likely lose the properties of germination.

Before boarding the dragee you need to slightly sprinkle with water. It will save you from the need to increase the amount of irrigation in the first week. The place where you landed seeds, you need to pour and cover the film for a while.

Method 1.

We will need napkins or toilet paper and fertilizer granules. I use organic or biotherapy.
  1. Cut the napkins or toilet paper into small squares (approximately 1x1 cm) and smelling slightly water. For convenience, I lay them out on the scenes.
  2. Each seed put on a paper square. You can use any convenient way: for example, take a syringe without a needle to tighten the seed inside, or lay out with a needle or match.
  3. Then you need to add to each seed fertilizer.
  4. Watch into the napkin and roll in a ball with big and index fingers.
  5. After all the balls are ready, I recommend to dry them.

Before making the dragee, I definitely check my seeds to the germination, placing them into a water container. If necessary, survive two things into one ball, be sure to add fertilizer.

After planting in the ground, the granule gradually dissolves and gives all the nutrients to the seed.

My neighbor, which uses this method for carrots, both carrots often germinate, and they intertwined each other. Therefore, now she makes the granules with only one seed.

Method 2

We take a dry crushed and sinking peat or compost and a cowboat solution in a 1: 1 ratio. If you have 3 teaspoons of seeds, you need to take 3 tablespoons of the solution.

  1. We place all these components in a glass jar and shake until the balls of the size needed are formed.
  2. In the process of "shaking", the seeds can stick to the walls of banks and form lumps. Gently glue them from the can and share large lumps.
  3. We take out balls from the can, dried outdoors.

To get a good result, I advise you to take no more than 20 seeds.

I caught myself to make seeds in the shell: I get a high germination and save the budget 1839_2

Since the cow's solution has a not the most pleasant smell, it is better to work with it outdoors. If you do not have such an opportunity, replace the cowboy on the holytor, the liquid solution of gelatin or clay. You can use even ordinary water.

Seeds in the shell, I land at a distance of 6-8 cm from each other, between the rows - about 10 cm. This concerns carrots, radish, sorrel. Plants feel very comfortable, and it turns out to collect an excellent harvest.

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