Who from the opposition will participate in VNS?

Who from the opposition will participate in VNS? 18389_1
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Who from the opposition will participate in VNS? 18389_7
Who from the opposition will participate in VNS? 18389_8
Who from the opposition will participate in VNS? 18389_9

The Allbalorussian People's Assembly remains three days. Recall, it will be held in Minsk February 11-12. And although in January Lukashenko mentioned that representatives of the opposition can be invited to the forum, they themselves in most oppose NMS. This is primarily about the headquarters of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. However, after a while, a list of invited guests appeared in the telegram channel of the forum: among them the representatives of opposition parties were. Onliner figured out who from the opposition will take part in the meeting.

So, let's start from the beginning. Opposition at all was going to invite to VNS?

In January, Alexander Lukashenko said that representatives of the opposition could be invited to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, if they want to work "in the name of the country":

- Delegates are elected, but if someone from the political, opposition is the one who wants to talk in the name of the country - we will invite them, we agreed. We have nothing to hide. Society should know our position.

And after some time, Lukashenko spoke and about his opponents abroad:

- There are some runaway and other so-called oppositionists cry and sobbing that if they do not fall into the All-Communications People's Assembly, it means illegitimate. But, first, we chose people who live in our country, and the runaway will be elected in Poland, Lithuania, someone, apparently, in Ukraine, someone may be in Russia at least a little.

He added that the precedents so that delegates were chosen abroad, there were only invited guests to participate from there, and "running and other who next to them," Lukashenko advised to calm down.

In addition, he said that the opposition expressed his intention to conduct an alternative forum. Most likely, we are talking about "gathering" (we will remind, more about it we wrote here).

- Well, spend. No one bothers. Going to Poland, Lithuania and spend, "said Lukashenko.

So what is known at the moment? There is still no complete list of VNS participants, as there is no open information about who from the opposition will take part in it.

We tried to find out who from her representatives came an invitation to participate in the People's Assembly and who agreed to participate in it.

Tikhanovskaya headquarters were not invited, the Coordination Council refused, tilex against, canopatskaya for

In the press service of Nama and Headquarters Svetlana Tikhanovskaya we were told that they did not receive any invitations on VNS. In addition, the head of Nau Pavel Latushko himself, and himself stated that a boycott was announced in his organization.

The press service of the Coordination Council added that about 10 members of its main composition still received invitations. True, they all refused to participate in the meeting.

And recently, in the telegram channel of the Allbalorussian People's Assembly, a list of parties invited to VNS appeared. That's what he looks like.

Among them are opposition. Talked with their leaders.

Sergey Chekchin, Chairman of the "Belarusian Social Democratic Commerce"

A few days ago, a message appeared in the VNS channel that the Checkow was already agreed to participate in the event. In an interview with us, he denied this information.

- For some reason, the telegrams channel VNS gave incorrect information. Why did they take that we suddenly decided to make a company to Canopatska? I made an official statement: we will not be at this event, "said Checkle. - It is not clear who will be present on it, which criteria are taken there delegates. I do not understand what kind of questions will be discussed there. I do not think that this event is constitutional: it does not accurately reflect the interests of my voters.

Igor Borisov, Chairman of the "Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Gramada)"

According to Borisov, on Sunday, his party held a meeting of the Presidium. The question of participation in VNS was decided to consider collectively.

- Prezіdyum Lіchyti, SATO DUZENE Z'YUEKLENCHA DZENTING PRIVLIKOCHY DZEYAYA UDARS, ANNAK NOT BELARDAGE OF THE NEAR І NOT DZEYCH PARTNESS. We are a ball, the Pattanni PA Vyakhadze Z Paltychnagknaga Kryzіsu does not have the mighty vanity on the accommodation of the gateway of the Merapeility, "he said.

Sergey Kalyakin, Chairman of the Belarusian Party of Left "Fair World" »

Sergey Kalyakin commented on us that yesterday at the headquarters of the party also held a meeting. Came to the final decision: from participation in the RENTS should be refused.

- For this there are a number of reasons. In the formation of the Delegates of the Assembly, citizens' rights were violated. Labor teams, organizations and parties were allocated quotas for presenting their delegates. However, we did not receive them. Instead, we were offered to participate in the meeting through the invitation of me in the form of a guest. I consider it to be present there in the quality of the furniture there is a lot no sense, "Kalyakin told.

Gregory Kostusev, the leader of the BNF party, also told Onliner that he, like his colleagues, refused to participate in VNS.

However, not failure uniform. The so-called "representatives of the constructive opposition" agreed to participate in VNS. Anna Kangopatskaya, Oleg Gaidukevich and Yuri Voskresensky shared with us with their opinions.

Oleg Gaidukevich, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party

Oleg Gaidukevich commented on Journalist Onliner, that he will definitely perform at the VNS. "

"I'm not an official, I will not talk about good - I will criticize and offer to make a country better." And those who refused this ... Well, how can I refuse to express your position and defend it? I believe that you need to use any opportunity to express my opinion, and not to look for the reason to sit at home and do not affect anything. These are our politicians: "I will not go to the elections, because they are not", "I will not go to the meeting, because it is not." Then what are your options for changes in the country? It is necessary to speak and do something, "says Gaidukevich.

Anna Kangopatskaya

Anna told Onliner that she would go to the meeting. And also added that he does not understand the opposition representatives who refused to follow its example.

- Yes, I received an invitation. I am going at the VNS to use it as a platform for discussing international relations and changes in the Constitution. I want to raise the question of people who are in prisons, discuss national symbols.

- Your colleagues from opposition parties refuse to participate in the meeting. In their opinion, VNS does not represent the interests of the people. Your opinion?

- This meeting is definitely not the interests of the Belarusian people. But this does not mean that it cannot be used as a platform to discuss issues that concern society. If representatives of the marginal opposition cannot take responsibility and say their point of view ... So, we have such an opposition that is hiding behind the women's shoulders.

In addition, it is known that the Chairman of the Round Table of Democratic Forces Yuri Voskresensky and the Head of the Organizing Committee for the Creation of the Political Party of the Democratic Union ", Andrei Lankin, also received invitations to VNS. And they agreed to come to him. This is what Yuriy Voskresensky told us:

- I was invited there as a member. I don't know if I can act and vote. But if I succeed, I would like to touch on the meeting two questions. The first applies to the Constitution, and the second - political amnesty and liberation from the criminal responsibility of seated citizens who succumbed to emotions and fell into the whirlpool of political events.

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