Best grade onion for landing on feather


    Good afternoon, my reader. Onions of any variety can release feathers. But exclusively, multi-charts are able to please the maximum amount of green harvest. From the manifold of suitable varieties, lovers of juicy and fresh greenery allocate the best.

    Best grade onion for landing on feather 18375_1
    Best Luke Sorts for Planting on Feather Maria Verbilkova

    Refers to the secondary varieties. Bulbs are dense, round, with white pulp and brown-yellow husk. The cold-resistant, has a good fierce, but are susceptible to attacks onion flies.

    The weights of the heads from 40 to 90. It has acute taste, consumed in a fresh form, in conservation and when cooking dishes.

    Early variety of flat round bulbs. White flesh, dark yellow husk, tight heads. The variety is resistant to all onion diseases other than false mildew.

    Small fruits, from 30 to 45 g, have excellent fierce. Food is used in any form, has a sharp taste. Can be landed with seeds.

    Another early grade having a rounded-flat bulb with a yellow husk. The difference is that the husk can be different shades - from light to the dark.

    Best grade onion for landing on feather 18375_2
    Best Luke Sorts for Planting on Feather Maria Verbilkova

    Heads of different sizes with a weight of 30 to 70 g, with good fierce and sharp taste. In cooking, bulbs, feathers both in fresh and cooked form. Grow only seeds.

    Rounded grade with round fruits and golden yellow husks. Cool holders and resistant to all onion diseases. Mass of one bulb ranging from 30 to 60 g. The variety is distinguished by a wonderful foot.

    Taste sharp. When cooking it is possible to use both the pen and heads. Food is used in fresh marinated, fried, steamy. Grow seeds.

    Mid-line variety with good fierce. The fruits are rounded, with a brown husk. Cold-resistant, but susceptible to the following diseases and pest attacks:

    • peronosporosis;
    • shake rot;
    • Lukovaya fly;
    • Low hidden voice.

    The mass of bulbs from 40 to 55. The taste sharp. Use in any form both feathers and heads themselves.

    Mid-line variety with dense round bulbs. White flesh, yellow husk with a brown-pink tint. It has excellent breeding. Mass from 45 to 80 g. Taste sharp.

    Best grade onion for landing on feather 18375_3
    Best Luke Sorts for Planting on Feather Maria Verbilkova

    Medium-bed variety. Round heads, slightly flashed. White flesh, yellow husk with a light brown tint. The fourth speed is good, but is subject to cervical rot, perronosporosis and attacks of onion flies.

    All bulbs have an approximately the same mass of 50 to 55. The taste sharp. Food use all parts in any form.

    1. Stimulate an increase in the increased number of pen will help exposure bulbs at a temperature of +40 ° C. At this temperature, they are kept for several days, after which the neck is cut off the shoulders and wet the cutting place with warm water. Heads wrapped with a wet cloth for 3 days. After all procedures are landing.
    2. So that all the strength and juices of Luke went to the feather, the heads planted close to each other. The distance between them should not exceed 2 cm.
    3. Sutting down the fruits, in which the feather is already sprouting, highlight them more space around.

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