Leonid Yengibaryan today would be 86 years old

Leonid Yengibaryan today would be 86 years old 1837_1

Today, the People's Artist of Armenia, the clown-Mima and the writer Leonid Yengibaryan would be performed 86 years old.

Leonid Georgievich was born on March 15, 1935 in Moscow in the family of the Armenian chef and Russian dressmaker. The oncelandine brother of the actor and director of the dogs of Kaplanian.

Since childhood, Pushkin's poems loved, Andersen's fairy tales and a puppet theater. As a schoolboy, he began to engage in boxing. After school entered the Institute of Physical Education, but soon left him.

In 1955 he entered the Circus School for the Department of Clownada. His director of the teacher was Yuri Pavlovich Belov. It was the only director with whom Yengibaryan worked throughout his life. While still a student, Yengibaryan began to perform (since 1956) on the stage as a mime.

Leonid Yengibaryan today would be 86 years old 1837_2

In 1959, he graduated from the school and on July 25, 1959, he held a debut on the Manege of the Novosibirsk Circus, in the same year he began working in the Armenian Circus Team.

1960 - toured in Kharkov, Tbilisi, Voronezh, Minsk and other cities. 1961 - tour in the cities of Odessa, Baku, Moscow. The first tour in Moscow, in a circus on color boulevard. Stunning success. The first overseas tour - in Poland - Krakow, Warsaw. Also success.

1962 - tour in Leningrad, where Yengibaryan presented a medal for the best number of the year. In Leningrad, he met Marcel Marso and Rolan Bykov. Bykov became his close friend for life.

1963 - starred in the lead role (Clown Lön) in the film "Path into the arena" (Studio "Armenfilm", director of Malyan and L. Isaakyan). 1964 - starred in the role of a dumb shepherd in the film S. I. Parajanov "Shadows of forgotten ancestors" (studio. Dovzhenko, Kiev).

Leonid Yengibaryan today would be 86 years old 1837_3

1964 - in Prague, at the International Clown Competition, Yengibaryan ranked first. At the same time, its novels were published in Czech newspapers. 1965 - Second tour in Moscow. Barbara daughter was born in Prague. Her mother is a Czech journalist and artist Yarmil Galamuk. 1966 - the documentary "Leonid Yangibarov, Meet!" (director V. Lisakovich). For 1960-1969, Yengibaryan traveled with touring the entire USSR. He especially loved in Odessa, Kiev, Yerevan, Leningrad. March-July 1970 - Third Moscow Tours of Engibarov. In the same year, the film "2-Leonid-2" was shot in Yerevan.

1971 - together with Belov, create a play "Star rain" and show it in Yerevan and in Moscow. Yengibaryan is forced to leave the circus and creates his theater (director - Yuri Belov). They rehearse in Marina Grove. For five months, the performance of the "Klown quince" was created. In Yerevan, the first book of Novel "First Round" is published. Also this year, Yengibarov starred in the film T. E. Abuladay "Necklace for my beloved" (as clown Suriko). From October 1971 to June 1972, Yengibaryan tours with his theater throughout the country. In 240 days, 210 performances were played. In the same year, he starred in a small episode in the film V. M. Shukshin "Stove-shop".

In July 1972, Yengibaryan was formally in Moscow on vacation, a new performance rehearsed. July 25 died of an extensive heart attack. July 28 is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Every evening, in a huge hall, I collect thousands of applause, thousands of splashes of human hands, and I apologize to their home. You sit on the tacht with a book in your hands, hiding the plaid. I turn on the light so that you can see what I brought, and close the window so that they do not scatter. The applause fill the whole room, splashing from your feet, the fountains take off to the ceiling, and you enjoy how small. I'm sitting in a chair and wait, when everything sits down and calm down. You continue to play, and it gets sad, because every game is sooner or later annoying. I get up and swing the windows, the applause break into the street and fly out ... a minute, the other, that's the last cotton. I turn to you, I want you to see me, I'm tired, I'm hungry, and my shoulders hurt. But you do not see anything and you do not hear, you stunned a huge hall and closed me. Tomorrow I will go to collect for you again, without which you can no longer live.

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