Rating of famous people of Moscow born March 14

Rating of famous people of Moscow born March 14 18362_1

Globalmsk.ru presents the top 5 stars of Russia born on March 14. The rating was formed on the basis of the content analysis of the information base of the Internet portal.

1st place

The leader of today's top 5 becomes Penzen Pavel Will. The pop artist of the spoken genre, TV presenter, the film actor, the participant and the leading Comedy Club March 14 marks 42 years. In 2001, he became a graduate of the Penza Pedagogical Institute, the specialty received is a teacher of the Russian language and literature. After graduating from the university, went to Moscow. He worked as a screenwriter at Igor Ugolnikov, then moved to the radio. He worked as leading to Muz-TV, voiced Masyany in the show "Visiting Masyani", was a DJ on the Radio Station "Hit-FM". In 2005, began to cooperate with Comedy Club, after two years his solo career started.

Pavel Volya is married to gymnast Laysan Utyasheva. Spouses raise her son and daughter.

2nd place

The string is lower in the ranking of this Sunday - 44-year-old Irina Zauchan. In 1998 she graduated from the Moscow Peduniversity, having received the specialty "Linguistics and Intercultural Communication", and in 2010 it became the graduate of the Moscow Institute of World Economy and International Relations, the specialty - "Finance and Credit". In 2017, she was assigned a master's degree in economics in the Russian Economics University. G. Plekhanov. Worked in LLC Insurance Company VTB Insurance, OJSC "Rosselkhozbank", led CJSC IC "RSKB-Insurance". In 2018, he took the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank.

3rd place

At the third position of the top of this day - the 38-year-old actor of the film and theater Alexey Yanin. Popularity to it came after the filming in the films "Club", "Balzakovsky Age", "Ahead of the shot", etc.

The artist in Moscow was born. In 2004 he graduated from the theater school. Shchepkin. In 2004 he became an actor of the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

4th place

Also today marks his birthday actress Theater, movie and dubbing Nelly Uvarov. The native of the Lithuanian city of Majikei is fulfilled at this Sunday 41 year. The children's years of future actipers were held in Georgia, in 1994 she moved to Moscow to Moscow, where she graduated from school and entered the acting faculty of Vgika. The university graduated in 2001. Removal in films started from 1999th. Rightly fame received, embodying on the screen the main character of the series "Do not be born beautiful." Since 2001, serves in the Russian Academic Youth Theater (RAMT).

5th place

The 42-year-old Igor Oznobihin takes the fifth line of the ranking of Stars of Russia, which were born on March 14. Born in the city of Vereshchagino Perm region. After graduating from school, he became a student of the Perm Law Institute. In the university played in the KVN team, each season went with her in Sochi to the festival. At the end of the institute, he worked in the police, then moved to an advertising firm. In 2010 began to be filmed in the series "Real Guys", in which the role of precinct played.

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